Chapter 2

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"Wakey Wakey, eggs an' bakey."

I groan at the person disturbing me from my sleep while grabbing a pillow and pulling it over my head.

"Jack, go away!" I yell.

Jack is one of the farmhands, he's somewhere around 30 years old and basically family.

Not at the moment though.

"No can do darlin', I'm here to get you outta bed." He smiles clearly proud of himself.

"I don't wanna get outta bed" I mock his Texas accent.

"Well you don't have a choice."

The sheets are ripped off of me and I'm pulled out of bed, landing on my ass.

"Ouch!" I yell as my butt makes contact with the hard floor.

He laughs at me and I glare at him. "That's what you get, now are yah gonna get dressed or am I gonna have to do it for yah?"

After I was bullied in to getting dressed Jack dragged me outside. He then opened the farmtruck's door and shoved me in.

"Where are we going?" I ask, really not happy about being forced out of bed.

"To fix a fence" he states casually.

"How exciting" I sarcastically mumble.

"I wanted us to take horses but -" he pauses for a moment "-well we both know why that aint happenin'."

I stare out of the window thinking back to that horrible day. Not that I can remember much, I just remember Dandy going crazy and jumping in front of a truck, I saw bright lights and then everything went dark.

"We're here." Jack sings as he hops out of the truck and grabs his tool box.

I hop out as well and lower myself to the ground. There I sat while watching Jack work.

"So did yah hear about the new guy?" He asks, wiping sweat off of his forehead.

"What new guy?" I ask confused.

"Well your mother said since you're mopin' around all day she needs someone to handle your chores." He says casually.

I feel kind of guilty about that. I was useless and it wasn't fair to mom.

Jack probably sensed me feeling bad because he quickly said something else. "Nah don't worry 'bout it, she's been wantin' to hire someone else to help out 'round here for a while now" he tries to cheer me up.

"Oh" was all I managed to say.

For the rest of the morning there was silence between us as Jack continued to fix the fence.

Afterwards Jack dropped me off at the house before driving away again,  yelling something about going into town.

As I entered the house there was someone very familiar sitting infront of me.


"Anna,why haven't you been answering my calls?" The girl in front of me scolded.

I shrugged "Because I didn't feel like it." I answer honestly.

Samantha a.k.a. Sam is my best friend along with Ryan who wasn't here at the moment. We've been friends since Primary school.

She folds her arms over her chest and stares intensely at me with those green eyes.

"Get dressed" she orders.

I motioned to my clothes "I am dressed."

She rolls her eyes and starts pushing me upstairs to my room. "We're going to a party."

I stare at her open mouthed. "Who's we?"

"You, me and Ryan." she says while searching through my closet.

"I don't want to."  I pout.

"I don't care, you're going." She says.

"Why?" I ask in disbelief.

"Because you can't just sit in your room the whole day sulking, it's not normal." she says while waving a hanger at me.

I don't reply.

"Come on, where's my fun, outgoing country girl?" she asks.

"She died along with her horse" I reply dryly.

Sam looks at me with disbelief. "Well then bring her back to life again."

She forces me into a creamy knee high dress that compliments my long, thin figure along with my favourite brown cowgirl boots. Then she tries to do something with my curly blonde hair.

"All done" she steps back to admire her work before bringing her hands together excitedly. "Let's go party!" 

I just sigh.

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