Chapter 4

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"Ugh" I groan as I wake up. Hangovers are no joke.

The door opens and guess who enters. None other than Trevor. Great, this isn't going to help with my headache.

"Hey there sunshine, how's your head?" he asks , amusement flashing in his eyes. He is enjoying this a little too much.

"My head's fine, it's yours I'm worried about." I reply dryly.

He laughs, clearly not offended at all.


"I brought you an aspirin." He says and puts it,  along with a glass of water, on my bedside table.

"Thanks." I mumble while rubbing my head.

"Anytime" He says with an annoying smile.

My mom enters the room seconds later with a tray. "I made you breakfast." She says with a smile.

I love this women.

"I see you've met Trevor"  She says as she glances at his retreating figure.

"Unfortunately." I say.

She breaks out in laughter "I take it you don't like him very much."

I scoff "That's the understatement of the year."

This causes her to laugh even harder and I can't help but just roll my eyes at her.

"But you have to admit, he's kinda cute." she says with a little wink causing me to choke on my food.

"Ew mom!" I yell after finally swallowing. I mean he's not bad looking, but I wasn't going to tell her that.

She laughs and starts walking out of my room. When she reaches the door she stops and turns around looking at me again.

"Oh I'm going out of town this weekend and Jack is coming with me." She says casually.

"What! You're leaving me here all alone?" I ask worried.

"No, you'll have Trevor." She says with a smirk.

"Oh joy." I reply sarcastically.

She chuckles and shakes her head before turning and walking away. "Invite Sam if you want." She yells as she retreats down the stairs.

I grab my phone and quickly text Sam to spend the weekend here. After she replies with a 'hell yes' I finish my breakfast, swallow the aspirin and dose off again.

Why is my bed moving?


My bed moves again.


And again


"What, huh?" I ask dazed. I look up and see Sam jumping on my bed.

Satisfied that I'm awake, she stops jumping and plops down to sit in front of me.

"Anna." she says again.

"Yes?" I ask, irritated that she woke me up.

"Who's that hot guy carrying around bales outside, shirtless?" she asks curiously.

My eyed widen "What?" I almost yell.

Now I'm fully awake.

"Yeah. Come see." She gets up and walks toward the window, me following her.

I glance out and there I see Trevor unloading hay bales from his truck and carrying them into the barn,  shirtless.

I just kinda froze, standing there staring at him. He picks up two bales, one in each hand, like they weigh absolutely nothing. As he carries them his arm muscles ripple at the tension and his veins become visible. He must've felt that someone was watching him because he started looking around. Before I get the chance to run away he looks up and his gaze meets mine. For some reason I can't get myself to look away. He smiles at me and I curse under my breath while quickly backing away from the window.

"So who is he?" Sam asks excitedly.

"Trevor." I say still in shock. "Got hired yesterday." I explain.

"Oh that would explain why he knew where you lived last night." she says casually.

Suddenly I remember last night. "Oh yeah. Sam, what the hell happened last night?"

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