Chapter 11

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"I love you Trevor." "I love you more Anna." "Nope not possible" "Is too possible." I laugh and he pulls me closer, kissing me softly. My hands dig through his hair and he moans against my mouth.

My eyes fly open and I start looking around confused. Where am I? Then I notice the arm around my waist. My eyes follow it back to the person it belongs to and I see Trevor sound asleep. A smile spreads across my face and I close my eyes, falling asleep again.

I have this empty feeling as I wake up. I open my eyes and glance at the spot behind me where Trevor was sleeping last night. I'm disappointed to see that he isn't there anymore.

Everybody is probably already hard at work. Quickly, I jump out of Trevor's bed and run to my room. After putting on clothes and combing my hair I run outside. Where I'm going, I have no idea.

As I wonder around outside I make the quick decision to mount my 4 wheeler and head to my favourite place. When I reach the waterfall I see a horse tied to a tree. Someone is already here. I shut the 4 wheeler off and slowly start walking towards the water, careful not to make any noise. As I get closer I notice a very handsome guy swimming around. I quickly duck behind a tree so he doesn't notice I'm here. Thinking I'm out of sight, It admire every part of him, from his sexy wet hair to his chiseled abs.

"I know you're there Anna." Trevor yells causing me to jump into the the air.

Damn it. I ditch my hiding place and approach the water. Trevor stops swimming and stares at me.

"You should come in, the water is great." he says with a naughty smile.

"No thanks I'm good." I decline.

"Oh really?" He asks, not believing my lie.

"Yes really." I try to convince him.

"What were you planning to do here then?" He asks with a smirk.

"Uhhh." I think out loud.

"See. Come on Anna just swim with me, you know you want to." He pleads.

I swallow hard. "Um, I'm not wearing swimming clothes." I protest.

He tilts his head and studies me for a while. "What were you going to swim with in the first place?" he asks.

I nervously start fiddling with my fingers. "Ummm.."

"You were gonna swim with your underwear, weren't you?" He asks, his stupid smirk returning.

I look up into his eyes and nod.

"Well come on then." He dares me.

"What, are you crazy?" I laugh at his stupid suggestion.

"No not at all. It's just like a bikini Anna, it covers the exact same things." He says, being serious.

I stood there debating in my head whether this was a good Idea or not.

"I won't look I promise." he says and turns around.

Well I really want to swim so what the hell. I strip my clothes off as fast as possible and jump into the water.

Trevor turns around slowly and his eyes darken as he looks at me. "Anna." he says, his voice husky.

My heartbeat increases as he says my name. He swims closer without breaking eye contact. I'm frozen in my spot and can't seem to move away. He places his hands on my hips causing chills to run down my spine. His face starts inching closer and closer to mine. He moves slowly, giving me time to reject if I wanted to. When I don't push him away he takes that as a yes and brings his head lower, connecting our lips.

It feels like a thousand fireworks is exploding in my body and I can't help but want more. He pulls me closer to his body and I rest my hands on his chest. Electricity shoots through my hands  causing me to flinch and remove them. Trevor reaches out,  takes my hands and places them back on his chest making my heart flutter.

His hands start roaming my body and I slide my hands up his neck and into his hair. My hands grab pieces of it and I tug slightly on them, causing Trevor to moan against my mouth.

My whole body stiffens.

Trevor pulls away and stares deep into my eyes. "Whats wrong?" he asks softly.

My dream. The dream I had last night, Trevor moaned when I pulled his hair. Have I kissed Trevor before? No, this is the first time. I shake that stupid thought out of my head and smile at Trevor.

"Nope, everything is fine." I say trying to sound as convincing as possible.

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