Chapter 12

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As much as I hate to admit it, I think I'm starting to develop feelings for Trevor. Yeah sure he's cocky sometimes but there's just something about him, especially his eyes. They captivate me.

I'm ripped out of my thoughts when a coffee mug is placed in front of me. I look up to see who this kind person is and I'm met with a shirtless Trevor. Oh my. My eyes scan over his naked body and I have to use all my willpower to keep myself from drooling.

"Checking me out?" Trevor asks with a smirk.

My cheeks turn red and I give him a shy smile. He pulls out a chair across from me and sits down while we silently drink our coffee together. He is the first one to break the silence.

"So I need to go into town today-" he starts and my heart sinks to the ground. "-and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?"

What, did I just hear correctly?
I'm mentally going crazy right now!
"Yeah sure." I say, trying to sound as calm as possible.

His blue eyes light up and he pushes his chair back, saying something about getting dressed. I wasn't really concentrating because I'm too busy doing a happy dance in my head.

It's a long drive into town so I decide to kill time by reading a book. I plop my feet on the dash while adjusting the book comfortably in my hand. Trevor switches on the radio and we drive in comfortable silence.

Suddenly Trevor reaches out and for a moment I thought it was for the gear stick but instead he puts his hand on my knee. Tingles shoot through my whole leg.

"Oh sorry, thought it was the gear stick." He says with a devilish smile. He doesn't remove his hand though, not that I'm complaining.

We decided to stop somewhere and have a quick breakfast. When we were done ordering our food a young women strode up to our table.

"Trevor?" the beautiful brunette asks.

Trevor looks up and tries to identify the familiar voice.

"It is you." She confirms and gives Trevor a long hug.

"Amanda, wow how are you?" Trevor asks and they get lost in conversation, totally forgetting that I'm here.

Anger builds up inside of me as they continue talking like it's just the two of them. The food arrives and I thought that she would finally leave, but nó. Then Trevor invites her to sit with us.

Oh now he remembers that I'm still here.

"Are you sure, I mean I wouldn't want to intrude." she says sickly sweet.

I reply before Trevor gets the chance. "Yes it's no problem, infact take my food, I've lost my appetite." I force a smile before scooting out of the booth and walking away.

I'm so pissed at Trevor right now. I mean he didn't even introduce me!
I start walking in the direction of the mall, not caring that it's a long way. To make matters even worse it starts raining. I may be wet and walking in uncomfortable shoes, but I refuse to go back there.

It's been about half an hour and I'm freezing from the rain that's still coming down hard. From behind me the sound of a vehicle can be heard in the distance and after a while a familiar truck drives up beside me. The window rolls down and Trevor starts yelling at me.

"Anna, what the hell are you doing? What were you thinking walking off by yourself!"

This just fuels my anger. "It's none of your damn business!" I yell back and start walking faster.

Trevor keeps following me.
"Anna get in the truck." He orders but I ignore him. "Anna, get in the fucking truck!" He yells again.

My feet stops dead in their tracks and I slowly turn around before unleashing all my anger. "No, why don't you go back to fuc-" I pause to think of a better word "fricking Amanda!"

With that I start running away from him, tears streaming down my face. When I don't see his truck next to me anymore I slow back down to a walk thinking that he's finally left me alone. But I'm wrong. Strong arms fold around me and pulls me to the ground.

"Trevor get off me!" I yell with all my might.

"No not until you tell me what's bothering you." he says sternly.

I keep wiggling, trying to escape his hold but he has me pinned.

"Anna." he says, his voice pleading now.

I look away, not wanting him to see me cry. He sighs and gets up, holding out a hand for me, but I deny it. At that moment a car drives by us and  an idea pops into my head. I push myself off of the ground effortlessly and start running after the car, waving my hands. When it stops I quickly jump in and tell the driver to go. She doesn't think twice and does exactly what I asked. As we drive off I turn back and watch as Trevor's figure gets smaller and smaller before it finally dissappears.

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