Chapter 19

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"Anna." someone says my name.

"Mmm." I hum in my sleep.

"Anna wake up it's already 1 in the afternoon."

My eyes slowly open and I see my mother standing in front of me.

"So? It's Sunday." I groan and close my eyes again.

"I know but I thought that you might like some lunch?" my mother asks lovingly.

"Yeah sure." I reply with my eyes still closed.

5 minutes later my mom has a tray with delicious looking food on it in front of me.

"Thanks mom." I say and take the tray from her. She smiles at me and then leaves, closing the door behind her.

As much as I appreciate her doing this I just wish that she would've let me sleep a little longer. It was a late night after all. I couldn't sleep after Trevor just left me like that. I wonder if I did something wrong? I'll just ask him when I see him.

It's 3pm when I finally decide to get my lazy ass out of bed. I quickly put on some comfortable clothes and exit my room. It's very quiet in the house. Trevor's door is closed so I'm assuming that he's still sleeping, and I can hear mom's Tv so she's relaxing in her room.

I walk down the hall and knock on her door.

"Come in." I hear her say.

I turn the doorknob and slowly push the door open. Mom is laying on her bed and watching the Tv screen intensely.

"Oh good you're up." she says without looking at me. "Could you please take Trevor some lunch, he's still sleeping."

"Oh so he gets to sleep in and I don't. I totally understand." 
I fake wiping a tear. "You love him more than me."

"Oh stop being so dramatic." she scolds and then finally looks at me. "Just do it for me please."

"Fine." I say and head back to the kitchen. Truth is I was plenty happy to take him lunch cause I really needed to talk to him.

With a plate full of food in my one hand and my other on his doorknob, I slowly enter Trevor's room. He is laying in his bed with his eyes open, but as soon as he sees me he closes them and pretends to sleep.
What am I, stupid?

I walk up next to his bed and place the plate on his bedside table. "Trevor, I know you're awake." I say and place my hands on my hips.

Nothing. He's just laying there with his eyes still closed.

"Trevor!"  I scold.
"You're acting like a toddler."

Still nothing.

"Fine, be that way you asshole!" I yell and slam the door on my way out.



I've been awake for almost an hour but I can't get myself to leave the comfort of my bed. I'm laying on my side just staring at the curtains. I messed up so bad last night, I'm such an idiot. I know how Anna feels about getting intimate before marriage and I almost forgot about that last night. She would've hated me if I took it too far.

My thoughts are interrupted by the clicking of my door being opened. I stare at the gap forming, thinking it's Mrs Claire entering. To my surprise I'm met with Anna's beautiful face instead. The guilt from last night suddenly takes over and I shut my eyes pretending to still be asleep. The chance that she didn't see my eyes already open is close to none.

I hear the soft thuds of her feet as she approaches my bed. "Trevor I know you're awake." she says from behind me but I refuse to open my eyes. I can't face her, not yet.

"Trevor!" she says with force this time. "Stop acting like a toddler."

I wanted to laugh at how cute she sounds when she scolds but I had to keep my composure.

"Fine be that way you asshole!" she yells with so much hurt in her voice and then runs out of my room. The loud bang of my bedroom door being slammed shut startles me. I wanted to run after her and explain but I just couldn't. I'm a coward and I don't deserve her.



I ran out of the house and straight to Trouble's paddock. I couldn't stop the tears from falling and it pisses me off that I'm such a sissy.

"Why do I care so much?" I yell.

Trouble's head yerks up and he watches me with his big brown eyes. I climb over the fence and lower myself to the ground. I don't even care that I'm in his paddock now and that he can hurt me real bad if he wanted to. I just want to cry my eyes out.

My head is resting on my knees that are pulled up against my chest. I'm slightly rocking back and forth as the tears continues to escape my eyes. All of a sudden I get knocked over. Confused I look up and immediately crawl backwards when I'm met with Trouble's face.

"Good boy, no need to hurt me just stay there." I try to sound as calm as possible but my voice sounds scratchy from all the crying.

Panick erupts inside of me when he takes a step closer. I scan around me to figure out the fastest way out of here but there are none. He takes another step closer, and another. I keep crawling backwards trying to escape but then my back hits the fence. I close my eyes and wait for the impact of his hooves. I feel contact and start screaming.

After a couple seconds of screaming my lungs out I realise that I'm still alive and open my eyes. Trouble is standing in front of me looking at me like I'm crazy. Why isn't he attacking?

"Hi boy." I say softly and he lowers his head to my level, allowing me to stroke his face. I'm completely dumbstrucked and can't believe what is happening.

Slowly I lift myself off of the ground as to not startle him. When he doesn't seem to mind me standing I switch from stroking his face to patting his neck.

"You're such a good boy." I say and give him a hug.

This is amazing.

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