Chapter 23

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"Trevor!" I yell panicked as I run down the stairs.

"What's wrong?" he barges out of the living room.

Words won't leave my mouth so instead I just shove my phone in his hand. He frowns as he reads the message. "Shit." he exclaims and looks up. "Who the hell could this be?"

"I don't know." I say starting to panic even more.

At that moment Mom sticks her head out of the kitchen. "Honey I just got a call from Lisa, her horse is sick I think it might be collic. I'm going over there as soon as I'm done with lunch and I'll be spending the night."

"What no!" I yell a little to loud.

"Why not?" My mother asks shocked at my outburst.

"Look at this." I say and then take my phone from Trevor and hand it to my mom.

She reads it and then looks at us, not seeming panicked at all. "I'm sure it's nothing." she says calmly and returns my phone to me.

"What?!" I exclaim

"Sweetie you don't have any enemies, it's just a prank." she pats my head and disappears into the kitchen again.

My mouth opens and closes as I stare at the now empty space.

"She is probably right, don't stress about it until we know more, okay." Trevor soothingly says while pulling me into a hug. I instantly relax as his arms wrap tightly around me. "Come on let's go watch some Tv." he takes my hand and leads me to the living room.

He lowers himself onto the sofa and pulls me on top of him, wrapping his arms around me once again.

"What movie do you want to watch?" his lips against my ears sends shivers through my body.

"I-I don't mind." I stutter, my mind refusing to work properly.

"Alright." he says softly. "Let's watch the best of me."

I'm shocked that he would pick a romance but I wave the thought away and make myself more comfortable,resting my head on Trevor's chest. The last thing I feel is a soft kiss on top of my head before falling into a peaceful slumber.


My eyes open slightly and I see Trevor smiling down at me. "Look who's finally awake." he jokes.

I sit upright and and cover my yawn with my hand. "What time is it?" I ask sleepily.

He looks down at his watch "It's 10 o'clock"

"Shit!" I cuss while jumping up. Without saying anything else I dash up to my room to put on boots and grab a jacket.

"Where are you going." Trevor asks confused as I head to the door while zipping up my jacket.

"I forgot to feed Trouble." I yell over my shoulder.

The cold air hits my face and I zip my jacket up higher. My hands seek warmth in my pockets and my feet search for landing place carefully in the darkness to avoid tripping. I jog through the barn and past the paddocks, trying to stay as quiet as possible. Don't want to upset the horses at this hour.

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