Chapter 28

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"Anna, will you marry me?" the handsome young man drops down on one knee and opens a small box revealing a diamond ring. Tears stream down my face as I yell 'yes' multiple times.

"Anna. Wake up baby come on." a worried voice says.

"Wha-what happened?"  I ask as my eyes slowly open revealing Trevor in front of me.

"I don't know, when I came into the living room you were lying on the floor." he says trying to sound calm but I can see that he is panicked.

Then everything comes back to me. The photo, the engagement ring on my finger. I bolt upright causing pain to shoot through my head. Trevor wants to touch me but I raise my hand, telling him to stop.

"What's the matter?"he asks.

"Trevor could you tell me why there is a photo of us on your phone and why the hell there's an engagement ring on my finger!" I yell

Trevor's face goes pale and I immediately know that he has been hiding something.

"Anna, I can explain." He says trying to calm me down.

"What have you been hiding from me?  Why can't I remember that photo?"  I bombard him with questions, my mind going crazy.

"Anna calm down." he says softly.

"I can't calm down! How the hell should I calm down when I don't understand what is happening!" I yell frustratedly.

"Alright listen, after your accident you - you uh-" he stutters

"Out with it Trevor." I demand

"You suffered from memory loss." he says so soft that I almost didn't hear.

My words get caught in my throat as I realize what he just said. Memory loss? No that can't be.

"But I remember just fine." I say trying to convince myself rather than Trevor.

"No, Anna that's what we made you think. There is a whole part of your life that you forgot so we pretended it never happened." he says.

"What, why would you do that?"  I ask, now on the verge of crying.

"The doctor said that if we tell you, you'd get stressed and it could even lead to depression when you try to remember things but fail. He said that if that happens you may never even get your memories back. The best way was to keep you calm and pretend that everything was normal, then after some time your memories would come back by themselves."

I'm speechless as I take in what he says. I don't remember a part of my life? What, how?

My sadness turns into madness as the first tear drops.

"Why didn't you tell me! How could you keep this from me. I can never trust you again. NEVER!"

With that I run, I have no idea where I'm going I just know that I have to get out of here. I stop at the door to grab my coat and boots, it is raining after all and I don't want to get soaked. With my coat and boots on I run out into the rain,heading straight for the one place that always made me feel better- the barn.

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