Chapter 17

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"So.."  I say cheerfully. "What's his name?" I ask motioning to the horse Trevor is riding.

Trevor looks confused for a moment, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water. Then his eyebrows shoot up like he remembers a forgotten detail. "Her name is Blaze" he finally answers.

"Oh well that's fitting seeing as she has a white blaze down her face." I casually state.

"Yeah." Trevor smiles warmly at me and then looks ahead of him.

What's going on with him, he suddenly seems so sad. Maybe I'm just imagining things.

"Race yah!" I yell and then kick Bullet into motion. He pulls away with force and it feels like we're flying. I can't see Trevor, but I don't really care, all I care about is how free I feel at the moment. My hands let go of the reins and my arms lift up over my head, feeling the wind as we continue soaring across the open space.

The tree line approaches and I recollect the reins, asking Bullet to stop. He obeys and comes to a gentle halt.

"Whoo Hoo!" I scream,unable to contain my happiness.

I hear hooves approach and turn to see Trevor riding up next to me. "Damn women." he let's out breathlessly.

I laugh and pat him on the shoulder. "How does it feel getting left behind by a girl?" I ask pleased with myself.

"Like crap." He says and smiles.


"Mom, guess what." I say as I enter my mother's room.

"What honey?" she asks, sitting down on her bed and waiting for my answer.

"I rode again today!" I yell in excitement.

My mother's eyes go wide and her mouth falls open. "You - you uh rode?  Like a horse?"  She asks in shock.

I smile brightly at her and nod my head.

"Oh darling that's wonderful." She gets up and pulls me into a hug. "Just absolutely wonderful" she says and then starts sniffing.

I pull away and study my mom's wet cheeks. "Mom why are you crying?" I ask confused.

She starts laughing and wipes her cheeks."It's just a happy moment."

"Okay." I say and smile at her.

"Oh I forgot to tell you,  Sam called today." she says.

"Oh okay, I'll go call her back right away." I say and then jog to my room.

Mmm phone, where did I put my phone again? I start searching through my room, lifting stuff and throwing clothes around. Ah, here it is! I dial Sam's number and patiently wait for her to pick up.

"Finally." Her voice comes through from the other end and I laugh.

"Sorry I was busy." I apologize

"Well what could be so important that you forget about your best friend?" she asks sternly.

"Sammy-" I start "I rode again."

There is silence for a while before Sam yells "What?! That's amazing!! How did that happen?"

"Well Trevor suggested it" I answer

"Well remind me to give him a high five next time I see him. Oh that reminds me why I called, me and Ryan are going dancing tonight and we were wondering if you would like to come along?" she asks.

"That sounds like fun, sure I'll come." I answer.

"Yay, it's at this place called Shuffle not far from us. Bring Trevor and be there at seven." she orders.

"Will do." I answer and give a salute even though I know she can't see me.

"See you then. Bye." she says and hangs up.

I placed my phone on my bedside table and headed out in search of Trevor. It didn't take very long since he was in his room.

"Trevor" I say as I enter his room.

His one eybrow shoots up followed by a smirk. "Missing me already I see."

I role my eyes at him and fold my arms."No."

He places his hand against his heart and fakes being hurt. "Ouch Anna."

"Stop being such a big baby, I need to talk to you." I say and he drops his foolishness. "We're going dancing tonight and Sam said to bring you."

"So does Sam want me to come, or you?" He asks while moving a bit closer.

"Uh- Sam" I say starting to get nervous.

"Oh so you don't want me there at all?" he asks still moving closer, stalking me like I'm his prey.

"Uh-" My mind goes blank and I can't think straight anymore.

He takes one last step and then he's right infront of me. "Come on Anna just admit it, you want me there. You want me there real bad."

I look up into his eyes and they hypnotize me. I nod my head and Trevor smiles.

"Okay then I'll go." he says casually and then walks away leaving me standing in his room alone and totally confused as to what just happened.

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