Chapter 7

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We came home to a delicious meal that my mom prepared for dinner. All five of us sat around our big dining table and ate together. Afterwards Jack and Ben said goodnight and went off to sleep. They both have their own cabins on the farm.

I helped mom with the dishes and Trevor cleaned the table. When he was finished he also said goodnight and walked off in the direction of his bedroom. He sleeps in the guestroom which is directly under mine. Our rooms are next to the living room while Mom's room is at the opposite side of the house.

When all the dishes are finally done I kiss my mom goodnight and walk off to my own room. It takes me a while to fall asleep because I can't stop thinking about a certain pair of blue eyes and why they look so damn familiar.

I'm dreaming about beautiful blue eyes that are staring intensely at me when all of a sudden a truck appears.

I wake up screaming.

For a third time in a row Trevor comes running through the door.

He doesn't even have to ask, he just walks straight to me and pulls me into a hug. I rest my head against his chest and feel myself calming down.

"Trevor?" I whisper.

"Yeah." he whispers back.

"Will you stay with me?" I asked afraid of what his answer will be.



I snuggle closer to the warm object next to me. Wait, object? I open my eyes and find a pair of blue ones staring back at me. Shocked I jump back, shoving Trevor off the bed in the proses.

"Ow." he grunts and rubs his head.

I crawl to the edge and look down, there I see him laying on the floor.

"Sorry." I apologize while giggling a little

"Damn women." he mumbles while pushing himself up off the floor.

I laugh at his expression and eventually he joins in too.

"Don't do that again." he warns after the laughter dies down.

"Who says there's going to be a next time?" I ask with a smirk.

"Oh trust me, you'll be begging for it." he says with a smugg look on his face.

I throw a pillow at him and he puts his hands up in surrender while running away laughing.

After getting out of bed I quickly get dressed and run down stairs. I grab an apple for breakfast and kiss my mom on the cheek before running outside. She looked shocked at what I just did, probably because it's the first time after the accident that nobody had to drag me out of bed.

As I ran across the lawn my foot slipped on the wet grass. I wait for the pain to come but nothing happens. My eyes open and I come face to face with a smiling Trevor.

"You know I'm getting pretty tired of having to save your clumsy ass all the time." he says jokingly.

I gasp and slap his shoulder "My ass is pretty perfect thank you very much."

His smile dissappears as his eyes turn a shade darker. He leans in and  whispers  "You better not tease me Anna."

I shiver as his lips touch my ear. He let's go of me and I swallow hard.

"Umm I-I didn't." I say embarrassed.

He chuckles softly before grabbing my wrist and leading me somewhere.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Come on I want to show you something." he says and keeps pulling me.

When I realise where we are heading I stop dead in my tracks.
He stops too and turns around, probably to ask why I stopped. When he sees my facial expression, his softened. "Are you okay?" he asks concerned.

"I can't go there." I whisper while looking at the ground.

"Where?" He asks softly.

When I take too long to respond he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Wait Trevor what are you doing?" I ask panicked.

He ignores me and just continues walking. An upside down view of the barn comes into sight and my stomach starts doing al kinds of flips.

"Um Trevor, if you don't put me down now I'm going to throw up all over your back." I say while slapping a hand over my mouth.

Trevor instantly stops and quickly puts me down. As soon as my feet hits the ground I puke. Luckily not on Trevor.

"Woah." I hear him say and then I feel my hair being lifted up.

When I finished emptying my stomach he pats my back. I wipe my mouth off with the back of my hand and take a bite of the apple to get the taste out of my mouth.

Trevor starts laughing. "You don't handle being upside down very well,  do you?" he asks jokingly.

That wasn't the reason at all but I decide to go along with it." Yeah I guess so."

He bends down and carefully picks me up, carrying me bridal style this time.

"You know I can walk by myself right." I tell him but he doesn't answer.

When he puts me down I come face to face with the barn. Oh gosh. Before I can think about throwing up again I feel a warm hand folding over mine. Suddenly nothing else matters except Trevor's hand in mine.

We walk through the empty barn,the only sound being our feet making contact with the ground. All the horses are outside grazing . When we step out on the opposite side my eyes have to adjust to the light again and when they do I stop breathing. The sight of horses running around in green paddocks are just amazing. I've missed this.

Before I can take it all in Trevor starts pulling me somewhere again. He comes to a stop in front of a paddock with only one horse inside. A chestnut with 3 white socks and a blaze. An exact replica of Dandy.

"Anna meet Dandy's son." Trevor says while studying my reaction.

I took one look at my beloved horse's son and started crying.


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The barn 👆

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