Chapter 16

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"Alright, are you ready for this Anna?" Trevor asks me.

He is standing in the middle of the roundpen and I'm sitting on the top plank watching him. It's early morning and time to break in Troublemaker (That's what we named Dandy's 3 year old colt).

"Yeah I am." I reply and smile at him.
It feels good being back. I missed getting up early and coming down to the barn to work the horses.

"Okay Jack, bring him in." Trevor yells.

Jack enters and prancing along side him is Troublemaker. Every so often he throws is head in the air and gives a loud snort. He is ready to go. This is going to be one interesting morning.

Jack hands the lead rope to Trevor and then joins me where it's safe. Together we watch as Trevor battles with Trouble.

Trevor tries to pat Trouble but as soon as his hand comes in contact with Trouble's neck, he rears. He stays in the air for a while pawing with his front feet. Trevor somehow gets him to come down and then quickly unclips the lead rope from the halter. When Trouble realises that he is free he bolts away, running round and round and round. Trevor just stands in the middle waiting patiently for him to calm down.

5 minutes go by, then 10, then 20 and Trouble is showing no sign of stopping soon.

"Well I'm gonna get back to work." Jack says and jumps off of the fence.

I stare at his retrieving figure and sigh. "How much longer do you think he can run like this?" I ask Trevor.

"I don't know." He replies. "Told you he was difficult."

"Well now I believe you." I say and he laughs. "Why don't you come out, maybe then he'll stop."

"I highly doubt it" Trevor says. "But alright, I'm tired of standing here anyway."

With that Trevor bolted to where I'm sitting and jumped on to the fence,  climbing up next to me. We watched as Trouble kept going round and round.

"What are we going to do about him." I ask concerned.

"I don't know, but we sure got our work cut out for us." He says with a sigh. Then his face lights up. "Tell you what, let's leave him here and then you and me go for a ride."

I think about what he is suggesting for a moment. Riding? After all this time. Well I have missed it allot.

"Okay sure." I reply. He grins and we both jump down and head to the barn.


"Right so this is Bullet" Trevor starts to explain while saddling. "He is real easy going and won't give you any problems."

"Okay." I say in relief.

"All done, up you go." Trevor says while motioning for me to mount.

I swallow hard then slowly start lifting my leg, placing my foot in the stirrup. With my one hand I gather the reins and with the other I pull myself up. Once I'm seated I release the breath I was holding and look at Trevor.

"And your up." He chears. Then he mounts his own horse and off we go.

My eyes close and my head falls backwards as my hips sway to Bullet's steady walking pace. I've missed this so damn much.

"Feels good doesn't it?"

My eyes open and I look at Trevor who is watching me with soft understanding eyes.

"Yeah." I say and smile to myself. "Real good."


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The round pen 👆

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