Chapter 24

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"Morning" Trevor's sweet voice causes me to get pulled out of dreamland."I made you breakfast." He says and I jolt upright. He laughs at my reaction and places the tray, that contains delicious food, on the bedside table.

"Aw thanks." I grab ahold of Trevor's boxers and pull towards me. He leans forward and I press my lips firmly against his. The kiss turns into a fierce and passionate one and the only thing I'm hungry for now, is him.

He is the first one to pull away. "Well that's certainly a nice way to show your appreciation." he jokes. "Now eat your breakfast before it turns cold."

"Yes sir." I say and raise my right hand to my forehead, saluting him.

He laughs and shakes his head while walking to the door. "I'm going to jump in the shower, be right back."

By the time I swallowed and wanted to reply he was already gone, so I just continued eating. Trevor sure can cook I think to myself as another piece of bacon slides down my throat.

Just as I placed the tray, with a now empty plate on it, back on to the bedside table, Trevor returns. My jaw drops when I see that he is wearing nothing but a towel. His hair is still damp and there are water drops slowly running down his upper body. He is looking super sexy.

He catches me staring and winks. "Close you're mouth darling or you'll catch flies." Then he dissappears into his small walk in closet.

This guy is going to be the death of me.

A few minutes later he reappears fully clothed . "What are you still doing in bed?" he asks surprised.

"I don't feel like getting up." I say

"Well you better get your ass out of bed and into the shower." he orders

"But why?" I ask not in the mood to do anything today.

"Stop asking questions and just do as I say." He says

When I do nothing but stare at him he walks straight to me, picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"Not again." I murmur to myself

He carries me up the stairs to my bedroom and into my bathroom and sets me down.

"Alright are you going to shower now or am I going to have to make you?" he asks "Because I have no problem either way." he says and smirks

I wack him on the shoulder and shake my head. "I'm good thanks."

"Damn." he jokes. "Well make sure you wear something nice."

With that he walks away, leaving me totally confused. I did as he said and took a long, hot shower. I'm facing my closet now, my towel wrapped around me, trying to decide what to wear.

Should I wear a dress? No that's too fancy. Jeans? No too plain. Aha, ripped black leggings, a white crop top, a black leather jacket and some heels to match. After putting on my outfit I straighten my curly hair and apply a little more makeup than usual. Satisfied with my look I strut out of my room and down the stairs.

"Trevor?" I call him.

"In here." he yells from his room.

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