Part 4: It's What I Do

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Chapter Summary:

Being separated by continents causes further communication problems for Gary and Robbie's relationship, with far-reaching consequences. (See the end of the chapter for notes.)


"Prague?! Gary repeated down the phone line, confused and completely stunned. It had been nearly two days since Gary had last heard from his boyfriend. He had already left countless messages on the home phone, and many more voicemail's on Robbie's phones, to no avail. His next port of call was to call Mark, it was always to call Mark – where Robbie was concerned, anyhow.

Gary sighed, even though he was still worried, at least he now knew something now...

Gary: He didn't say anything about going to Prague.

Mark: Hmm...are you sure? ...Or maybe he did, but you didn't hear him? I know he wouldn't have gone out there without telling you.

Gary: Well...I guess that doesn't sound like him, but that still doesn't explain why I haven't been able to get in touch, have you tried calling him?

Mark: No, but I got a text from him last night, talking about some weird towel situation in his hotel room.

Gary: Are you kidding me?!?! I've not had a single reply and you get a text about towels!!!

Mark: Gaz, calm down. You're missing the point; he's obviously ok so don't worry.

Gary: Mark, Worrying - it's what I do, especially when it comes to Rob. Yes, I suppose at least I know he's safe now, just ignoring me it seems.

Mark: It's probably a bit of Robbie-style pay back for you being so busy recently.

Gary: I know I've a lot of work on lately but –

Mark: Hey Gaz, I'm not judging or having a go, I know you love Robbie and would spend all your time with him if you could, all I'm saying is you know Rob, he can be a right infantile prat sometimes, but it's usually because he's feeling hurt by something, or someone.

Gary: Ok, Marko – I get the point, thing is I can't make it better if he keeps ignoring me...but I can't believe that he'd actually purposely ignore my voicemails. I mean, surely he'd know I'd be sick with worry about, he wouldn't do that, he just mustn't realise is all.

Mark: I'll text him, tell him to get over himself, and give you a call.

Gary: Thanks Markie, hey are you guys still ok for coming to ours for a small dinner party next week?

Mark: Yep, we're looking forward to it. Anyway, I best be off, the dog's practically biting my leg off to go outside.

Gary: Aw bless – ok, take care Markie, my love to you all...and thanks again, I owe you one.

Gary put the phone down and sighed again. He loved Robbie to bits, but it did baffle him how a grown man could act so infantile sometimes....but he didn't care, infantile or not, he just wanted to speak to him, to know his Robbie was safe and ok.


Robbie looked down at him phone and read the text from Mark with a furrowed brow. He now knew the radio silence was having an effect, which would've made him inwardly smile with satisfaction, but from the sounds of it, Gary was actually really worried. He didn't want to cause him distress, yet from the sounds of Mark's text, that's exactly what he was doing.

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