Part 36: Too Many Words to Say

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Chapter Summary: Happy St. Georges Day! Here's a new chapter as promised! :) It continues where things were left in the last chapter (posted on Tuesday). So things are about to change for Robbie and Gary....dramatically. Lucas is in Gary's house. Robbie is not there. What does Lucas want? and will Robbie get back in time? See end for A/N.

Warning: This chapter contains violence that some may find upsetting. The intention is not to upset anyone, it's to explore the darker side of people's characters, and is only fiction xx


"Hello Lucas".

The words hung in the air, heavy and empty. Lucas smiled knowingly. Maybe he knew the effect he already had on Gary.

Gary hoped not.

Even though Gary had instantly known it was Lucas who was in his house, actually seeing him standing there wasn't any easier. Particularly not when he recollected all that had been said between them at the studio. He was just thankful Robbie wasn't here. He hoped he could at least defuse the situation and get rid of Lucas way before Robbie back, and thus be none the wiser.

The dogs were barking again, enough to temporarily draw Gary's attention away from Lucas' sickening smirk. Gary watched helplessly as he saw the dogs pacing back and forth outside the doors, they looked distressed, and wanting.

"Leave the dogs outside, its best they stay out there", Lucas simply said. There was no anger in his voice, only the command.

Gary faintly nodded but kept his eyes determinedly on the dogs. He flat out refused to give Lucas the satisfaction of seeing how unnerved he genuinely was. Trying to get a grip on the situation, and his nerves, Gary swallowed dryly, trying to bury the chills he felt deep inside him; he knew he had to dig deep. After all, he had no idea why Lucas was here, but now that he was, it was time to deal with Lucas once and for all...

"Exactly how long have you been letting yourself into MY house, Lucas" Gary asked the blond man straight out. His voice was firm, but his stern face started to waver as soon as Lucas had decided to start slowly approaching him.

"I don't know what you mean" Lucas replied, amused, while his smirk deepened.

"The bed...I'm guessing that was you" Gary said, physically recoiling from Lucas' advance.

Lucas barked out a laugh, "Well, you really never did learn how to make it correctly, in fact you never learnt how to do much correctly, really –did you?" He mocked. It was a rhetorical question that Gary had no intention of answering anyway.

Lucas kept his eyes steely on Gary, and advanced in his approach. He drew closer to Gary until there were only mere feet of air between the two men. "Besides, you have to ask yourself Gary, what kind of cowboy locksmith would only give you one key after you've had your locks changed?!...definitely not the one I used–", Lucas smiled as he held up a key, the spare front key to Gary's house.

Gary could only shake his head in disbelief, "So you had a key the whole time?"

"Yep, it seems I did".

"Exactly, how often did you use that key?" Gary challenged, his voice was even but for a thin lace of anger.

If Lucas could sense the anger, he didn't show it; or maybe he was inwardly revelling in rattling Gary.

"As often as I needed to check up on you, darling" Lucas simply said, "– you certainly were cosied up in HIS house a long time though, I was hoping to see you sooner."

He took another step closer to Gary, they were in such proximity now - too close for comfort. "You can see why I got so impatient that I had to catch you at the studio, and my word did that end ugly. I was very disappointed with how that turned out. I am disappointed in the route you decided to take, Gary". His face suddenly altered as he dropped the smirk.

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