Part 23: Losing Control

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Chapter Summary:

Gary wakes up with a painful head the next day, but is that all? ;) See the end of the chapter for author notes.


Gary woke up with a head so painful it felt like someone had been sitting on it until his brain squeezed against his skull; he was in other words, so completely hungover. He groaned assessing the situation - his mouth was dry and sticky, his eyes would barely open and the arms clenched tightly around his waist were hot and stifling...

It only took a split second for a hideous moment of realisation to hit him as he realised those arms wound around him, did not belong to him; and as the memories of the night-before subsequently began to slowly flood his mind, the bottom fell out of his world.


8 hours earlier...

Gary couldn't recall how it had started, all he knew was one minute he was switching on the filter coffee machine, then the next minute as he put out two mugs, a pair of moisturised lips were already on his neck. They kissed him softly on his pulse point, and then moved upwards to behind his ear, caressing his skin with little butterfly kisses; it was all just like Robbie used to do when he'd surprise Gary by tiptoeing downstairs in the morning and creeping up behind him. Robbie knew ears were Gary's weak spot.

And so, Gary was already completely intoxicated. The sensual sweet caresses, stopped however when suddenly the lips left his skin; so where once was warm lips and hot breath was now bare skin left moist, allowing cool air to brush against it, invoking a wave of arousal to shower over him, as well as an eruption of goose pimples. He involuntarily moaned from the stimulating sensation, being completely taken in by it; but left with no time to savour it as he was quite suddenly (and somewhat forcibly) spun around by a pair of strong arms that had ensnared him, and pulled him into a deep kiss. Those long arms wrapped themselves around, pulling him closer, kissing him harder – Gary remembered how Robbie always loved doing that.

The kissing very quickly became more desperate and urgent.

But it was not about the intense feeling the other's lips, or every sensual arousing touch, and the building of an intimate connection between them (like with Robbie), no - it was pure carnal desire. Gary's body was in control now, his head was too intoxicated, and as another's body pushed him backwards out of the kitchen and into the wall of the hallway, roughly pushing him up against a wall at the foot of the stairs; all his body could do was release a deep lustful moan of content.

As bodies continued to collide, and rub up against each other, the lust rose to biblical proportions until clothes was being tugged at, and torn, desperate to unleash the flesh beneath. Gary later had no recollection of whether it was his idea to go upstairs or his companion's, but soon he was being guided up the staircase – or was he pulling the other up to join him?! Was he undressing himself, or was the other doing it for him; he wasn't sure.

Clothes were flung off, as if in a whirlwind, cascading down the stairs, draping over the banister in a clumsy manner. By the time they arrived in the bedroom, Gary now leading the way, they were both bare, save for their briefs. As soon as they were in the bedroom, the door was slammed and Gary was hastily driven backwards across the room, his feet barely touching the plush carpet, as he was forced back onto the bed. His head, dazed, remembered how much Robbie loved to do that, to show he was taking the control.

Falling into his soft duvet, grabbing at the silk sheets, as a hot and now bare naked body clambered unceremoniously on top of him, Gary remembered it was Robbie who had bought these sheets; he'd gone one of his impulsive online shopping sprees, and bought several duvet sets, seven to be precise. That thought caused him to smile as a tongue invaded his mouth all the more.

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