Part 42: I Never Thought I'd Leave It All So Late

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Chapter Summary:...and so it all ends here. Robbie loves Gary, Gary loves Robbie but now Robbie's lost Gary (again!)...Will Robbie make it to Gary, in time? ...and the big question is will they make it? Can they finally find happiness together, or is it always going to be out of reach, literally?! See end for A/N.


Still in a stunned daze, Robbie stood stock still, in shock. He couldn't believe it. It made no sense to him, 'why would Gary release himself a day early?' he worriedly wondered. He didn't really know how long he was stood there for but after a while he became conscious of people's looks, and so began to slowly walk back down the hospital corridor, after realising there was no point to him really being there now.

Once outside hospital, he collapsed on to that familiar bench he was in only earlier that day. At a complete loss, he wondered where Gary could be, but mostly how he, Robbie FUCKING Williams, could've been such an idiot to royally fuck it up with his boyfriend, after everything they'd been through. Robbie knew he needed to fix it, but he needed to know where Gary was to have even the smallest of chances at doing just that. Wherever he was, he was at least reassured that Elliot was with him, or so Robbie figured from what the nurse had said; and thinking back, it was probably why Elliot had called Marjorie back at the house. Boy, did he regret leaving there so quickly now!

Completely perplexed on what to do to find Gary, it was then Robbie felt his phone begin to buzz. He checked who was calling him, and picked up immediately when he saw it was Howard calling again.

Howard: At bloody last! Where have you been I've been trying to get hold of you all afternoon From the loud humming in the background, Robbie could tell Howard was using hands-free, driving somewhere.

Robbie: Are you driving?  he simply inquired, whilst contemplating on how to tell him about Gary, without the older man 'losing it'.

Howard: Yes. Where are you now?

Howard's tone was curt and impatient, and it had Robbie immediately on guard. Maybe Howard knew something about Gary.

Robbie: I'm at the Hospital. Gary's gone, Howard. He's released himself!

Just saying the words out loud made a lump of worry begin to stick in Robbie's throat. He struggled to dryly swallow pass it, and failed.

Howard: I know! That's why I was trying to reach you. Stay there, I'm not far away, I'm coming to pick you up!

Robbie: Why? What's going on?! Do you know where Gary is? Is Elliot with him?

Howard: Rob, he's on his way to the airport – in fact he's likely there by now!

Robbie: WHAT?! NO!

Robbie felt a sickening wave flood through his body as a sense of deep panic quickly set in.

Howard: Elliot's with him, he managed to arrange an early admission into the clinic, and Gary agreed to it. I'm guessing his talk with you was a factor in that. But the point is, he's due to fly out to New York in less than two hours!

Robbie felt light headed, he couldn't believe it! Gary was leaving. The sickening feeling inside him deepened until his entire body began to shake.

Robbie: Oh my god Howard! What do I do?! He can't leave! I need to speak to him!

Howard: I know! I'm gonna get you there! Be ready by the front entrance, I'll be there in 5 minutes!

With that Howard ended the call. Robbie silently nodded, more to himself than anything. He was still in shock, but knew he needed to remain calm and think it through. All he needed to do was get to Gary, and clear everything up...except, Gary was already at the airport, and if Robbie misses seeing him now, he may not get another chance to speak to him. Gary might not give him that chance! 'Oh fuck, how do I fix this?!' he anxiously fretted, as he felt his life fall apart. He couldn't lose Gary, he just couldn't! He needed to fix this!

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