Part 22: Make You My Own

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Chapter Summary: So Robbie's drunk, Gary's been dumped, and Lucas has just confessed his feelings for him – could things possibly get any worse? (See the end of the chapter for author notes.)


...I like you. I like you A LOT.

"Huh?!" was the only response Gary managed as Lucas' last words rang in his head. He was sure he'd heard wrong, or misunderstood somehow. But Lucas simply chuckled softly and repeated himself, "I said, I like you".

"Oh, ok - what like...huh?!" The words were slowly sinking in, but the meaning behind them was still unsure, and it made him nervous.

"You're so cute when you're freaked out!" Lucas commented with a gleaming smile, "I mean, I like you, in a 'you're-such-an-adorably-cute,-sweet,-talented-guy,-who-I-find-attractive,-and-would-like-to-get-to-know-more', kind of way!" he said, proudly and unabashed.

"Oh, I see... wow! That's so sweet of you...I...I'm sorry, this has just taken me by surprise somewhat", he awkwardly said, feeling his cheeks instantly flush, "it's a lot to take in."

"I completely get that, I mean, I know you're going through some stuff right now –" Lucas started.

"Stuff ?! – I literally just very publically broke up with a very famous boyfriend!" Gary interrupted, immediately taking offense to Lucas' off-hand comment about HIS relationship.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, I just meant, I get that; and I'm honestly not expecting anything back from you, I just couldn't not tell you how I felt – especially since certain people have made you feel so bad about yourself recently, with cheating, and everything....I just wanted to tell you someone else does like you, you know, so don't feel bad about yourself." Lucas finished, so awkwardly trying so hard to remove 'his foot from his mouth', that Gary thought it endearing.

"That's really sweet of you", Gary told him honestly, "...and actually kinda really brave too, I mean, I don't want to sound egotistical, but I'm a –"

"Famous celebrity superstar?" Lucas interjected.

"Well, yeah...I guess", Gary reasoned, "It's brave of you to admit that, like that...I honestly wish I was that brave".

Lucas smiled perceptively, and a glint flashed in his eyes, causing Gary to blush without knowing why. Then an uncomfortable silence fell between them, causing Gary to fidget with both his thumbs and the now empty glass he was rolling between his fingers. Lucas watched him closely, particularly his body language. Gary felt Lucas' eyes looking him over, and it made his face burn, as his cheeks furiously blushed once more.

"Wow, I've made things incredibly awkward and uncomfortable for you, haven't I?" Lucas teased, after a moment. To Gary's surprise, he didn't sound nervous and apologetic, if anything, he sounded pleased with himself. "I'll understand if you want to leave, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, like I said, I just wanted to make you feel better about yourself" Lucas added.

Gary honestly did want to leave.

He felt incredibly awkward, absolutely uncomfortable, and something about Lucas just put him on edge. Besides, he was in no mood to make small talk, when his heart had just been destroyed only minutes ago. Gary wanted to excuse himself so that he could leave with dignity, before he went home and frankly, cried his eyes out.

....but then, he thought to himself, 'Lucas did just admit his feelings, which must've took some courage, I mean most people can't even approach me...and well, he did buy me this wine'  he further contemplated. The wine was really nice too. He genuinely felt bad for the guy; Gary wasn't interested in him, in the slightest, but he couldn't just up and run like that – it'd be rude and ungracious, and that just wasn't him.

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