Part 37: Only You Can Save Me Now

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Chapter Summary: Apologies for the cliff-hanger I left you on, with the last chapter. In this one, we start exactly where we left off when Robbie had entered the house. Will he be able to save Gary, or is it too late?! Thanks for reading x

See end of chapter for Author notes.


"Get the fuck off him!" Robbie screamed as he pulled Lucas' hands clear off Gary's throat. Taken by complete surprise, Lucas simply hadn't been ready to defend himself from Robbie's onslaught. Which worked for Robbie.

"I will fucking kill you!!!!" Robbie cried hysterically, his voice both breaking with anger and shaking with shock. It was as if he was possessed with terror and equipped with super strength; he grabbed Lucas' clothes, and yanked the tall blond off completely off the unmoving and incredibly limp Gary.

Robbie's fears were now his reality.

He didn't know what he was doing, except he was suddenly punching and pummelling the figure before him. With such tremendous force and anger, Robbie punched Lucas hard in the face over and over again. He wanted to destroy every inch of it, he wanted it to stop smiling. Stop it smirking forevermore! He yelled out in anger, pain, fear, distress and kept punching. He tried to stop but he couldn't, he wouldn't...not until it was done.

It was Mark that stopped him from outright killing Lucas.

Mark had shortly followed Robbie through the door, and followed the sound of yelling and commotion. The blond having already taken a relentless pounding from Robbie, was knocked-out, completely out cold. Mark, although horrified by the scene before him, for Robbie's sake he managed to pull Lucas out of Robbie's reach, "Rob! Forget him! Gary! Check Gary!" Mark yelled as shock set into his core. With an unconscious Lucas now in a dishevelled heap on the floor, and Robbie running over to Gary's fallen form, Mark immediately pulled out his phone out to call the Emergency services.

Although he almost couldn't bare to know the truth, Robbie had rushed back to Gary and checked his vitals.

"Noooooo no no...come on baby! Don't do this, don't leave me!" His voice helplessly strained as he struggled to detect a pulse, but he already knew one thing; "He's not breathing Mark! He's not breathing!" he cried out in blind panic. And without a second thought, he bent down and began to give Gary mouth to mouth resuscitation. It was rushed and at first ineffective; he was shaking too much and unsure of what to do, but then something inside him just suddenly switched, and a stillness strangely enveloped him like he'd never experienced before. It was like he wasn't even there, that what was happening wasn't real, but he instinctively knew what he had to do. He paused, then bent down again, cleared Gary's air way, before he covered Gary's whole mouth with his own. Ensuring it was sealed, he blew two large deep breaths into Gary's awaiting lungs.


There was nothing. No reaction. So he did it again...and again...and again.

"Come on Gary, come back to me!" he whispered between breaths, utterly terrified. Somewhere behind him he could hear Mark shakily talking with an emergency dispatcher.

"Mark – what do I do, ask them! What do they say to do?! He's slipping away, I can feel it!" he frantically cried, checking Gary's pulse again.

"Just keep going Rob – they're on their way" Mark told him.

Robbie nodded. Tears were steadily pouring down his face, and his hands were shaking, but through it all Robbie continued breathing for Gary.

Gary who hadn't moved, hadn't stirred, hadn't breathed since Robbie had found him. A darkness started to consume Robbie's soul, as his heart began to over spill with dread.

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