Part 31: Until You Understand

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Chapter Summary: Will Gary ever tell Lucas the truth? This chapter  is my Christmas present to you - hope you enjoy, and very sorry for the long wait. Have a very merry Christmas, much love xx ...see end for A/N.


Gary looked around the kitchen cautiously, but everything seemed just as he left it.

He checked the lounge, the living room, in fact all the rooms downstairs before quietly making his way upstairs. No sign, there was no sign anywhere that Lucas had been there or stayed that long after Gary had left. He hadn't wanted to leave Lucas in his house 'unattended' but he had been so desperate to get to Robbie's that he just made his excuses and his escape. Lucas hadn't been happy about it, he knew; he could sense Lucas' every emotion by now, but mostly his temper; but at the time he just couldn't have given a damn, he wanted Robbie and nothing was going to stop that precise moment, at least.

When he had awoken that morning, all he could think about, all he could worry about was Lucas finding out – not because he cared about Lucas' feelings, no. It was because he was genuinely afraid of what Lucas would do if he found out, before Gary could break up with him.

Gary gave one final look around and then released a deep breath; a deep breath he hadn't even been aware that until that point he'd been holding. Now satisfied he was truly alone, and also relieved, he was however, quite disappointed that as it turned out he had left Robbie's side prematurely and needlessly. For a moment, he even considered quickly driving back to be with Robbie, but decided that might just lead to more questions he wasn't ready to answer.

Going back to the kitchen, he put the coffee on, and went upstairs to grab a shower. It was just after 7.30am when he came back down, fully dressed and ready for the day. Wandering back into the kitchen, Gary grabbed a mug and poured himself some fresh coffee, he was just about to take a sip when he strangely spotted a pile of post on the side of the breakfast bar. Curious and confused, he hadn't remembered seeing them there before, and on closer inspection he realised why, they were that morning's post.

He stopped stock-still as a shiver ran down his back, he immediately checked for other signs, inklings he was no longer alone, and then he heard a noise, "Lucas that you?" he tentatively called out, honestly secretly hoping it was a strangely helpful burglar, instead. There was more noise as the intruder made his way into the kitchen and Gary didn't feel any less unease upon confirming the face of his trespasser.

"Hey Beautiful!" Lucas said brightly as he stepped over to Gary and wrapped his arms around him, not seemingly batting an eyelid at the fact that Gary didn't move one inch to hug him back.

"How did you get in here?" Gary asked carefully, not wanting to sound vexed or annoyed, as he carefully monitored Lucas' mood.

"Darling, you left the door on the latch again" Lucas told him tiredly, "– you really need to be careful about that – I could've been a psycho maniac roaming around out there!" He said with a chuckle but the darkness in his eyes said something else.

"I was sure I closed it", Gary innocently said, now unsure.

"When was that?" Lucas asked shortly.

"When was what?"

"When did you close the door?" Lucas clarified. Gary looked at him, and finally knew what the dark look was alluding to, Lucas wanted to know when Gary got back.

Gary hesitated, not knowing whether to lie and say last night, or go with the truth. Knowing there was however, a tremendous possibility Lucas may've actually camped himself outside in his car somewhere, possibly up the road with a pair of binoculars just waiting for Gary's return; Gary decided the truth was his only option...well, half-truth.

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