Part 25: Twist of Separation

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Chapter Summary: Robbie's been away far too long... (see end of chapter for Author notes).


Two months later...

Among the hustle and bustle of the busy airport, Robbie made his way to the exit, dragging his hefty suitcases. His driver was already outside waiting for him. "Where to?" the driver congenially asked. "Home", Robbie said naturally. "Eh...which one would that be?" the driver questioned further.

Robbie paused at that. He knew the one place he truly thought of as home, but there was no way he was welcome there right now, no matter how much he wanted to see the dogs. "Home, up North home – I'm gonna pop in and see my mum first", he sighed, and the car pulled away.


"So, Gary's popping by with the dogs later", Robbie told Mark. It had been a few days since he had returned to the UK, and he was now back in his own place.

There was a pause on the other end of the phone line, as if Mark was considering his words carefully;

Mark: That's great you guys can get along better now....

Robbie: Yeah, I guess. It's better than nothing I suppose. I just... I know really fucked things up, I just want a chance to fix things now. When I think about my actions, I can't believe I acted so stupidly, I mean proposing to him like that! What was I thinking?! But being in LA, it's given me time to think...and when I think of what I had with him, so preciously perfect; my heart hurts all over again. Just waking up beside him each morning, having lazy days with the dogs, arguing over what to watch on the box that night or him telling me off for being a lazy sod – I want it back! I want it all back, so much! I'd give anything to have it back. And I'm truly worried I might have no chance of getting it back, in fact I'm fucking terrified about it.

Mark: I'm sorry Rob – I know it's not easy moving on.

Robbie: I'm NOT moving on! You think I went to LA to move on?

Robbie heard an old familiar sigh of exasperation on the other end of the phone line. He knew what Mark was about to say.

Mark: Robbie, I think you've just got to move on...for the mean time anyway.

Robbie shook his head, knowing Mark couldn't see. That was 100% not happening. But for sake of Mark's sanity, Robbie didn't tell him that.

"Have you seen much of him?" Robbie instead asked after a short pause.

Mark: Now and then...I dunno – but he's been pretty distant recently. I call him and no answer, and then he doesn't even call me back.

That causes Robbie to frown, as suspicions form in his mind.

Robbie: What about that twat, Lucas? You said in your text the other day, you think he's still lurking around.

Mark: Afraid so. Howard went around there a few days ago, and Lucas answered the door. Gary wasn't even there, Lucas said he was out walking the dogs, yet Howard swore he had heard a dog in the background, and according to him, Lucas looked like he'd very much made himself at home!

Robbie could feel his blood begin to boil with refreshed anger and hatred of that man.

Robbie: You mean, shoved himself in!

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