Part 28: Just Listen to Your Heart

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Chapter Summary:

When he notices Gary acting strangely, Robbie is determined to show up smarmy Lucas for the dangerously controlling man he is, and turns his hand to sleuthing. See end for A/N.


Robbie emailed Gary, but received no reply. He tried calling, but the phone went to voicemail every time. He wanted to go over there, but knew that would only make things worse. He just couldn't get over the dangerous look he'd seen in Lucas' eyes, and the menace in his voice. 'What if Gary was in real trouble? What if Lucas hurt him?' the thoughts continued to swirl around his head, 'Maybe, that's what Gary was hinting at with the dogs, that Lucas hated them so much he'd hurt the dogs. But with the dogs not there, who would he take his anger out instead?' That thought made Robbie more than shudder, in fact it damn right terrified him.

After a couple more days of sleepless worrying, he couldn't take it anymore – what if Gary really needed him? Gary may not technically be his actual boyfriend right now, but in Robbie's heart, he never stopped being it, and he would never stop loving Gary...ever!

On the third day, an idea speared into his mind like a strike of lightening; what if he was to arrange a work thing – then Gary would have to be there. As the idea grew in his head, a calculating smile accompanied it, he could be damn smart when he wanted to, if he said so he himself.

Howard told Robbie he would get the message to Gary, after Robbie dropped the hint that he still felt a bit awkward contacting Gary. Howard had sounded bemused at the time, "I thought you were ok now, what with the to-ing and fro-ing with the dogs?" Howard had questioned, but Robbie convinced him, it would just be easier this way.

A date was set for in two days' time, and the lads all met at Mark's house. It was the first time they had all met up in months, except it wasn't all of them...Gary wasn't there.

"What do you mean, he's ill?" Robbie asked, his tone short, as he felt his plan crumble.

Howard looked at him quizzically, "As in, he's ill, Rob – or does that word mean something else now?!" he slightly mocked.

"Yeah smart-arse - I get that part, but...I mean, did he tell you that personally, or did someone else?" Robbie continued, trying to sound calm, but feeling his recent resting state of 'agitated worry' sink back in.

"What do you mean, by that?"

"I mean! Did Gary tell you he was ill, or did someone speak for him, someone like...Lucas, for instance?" – He was still trying his hardest to sound casual. But Howard saw straight through it...

"Oh Rob, for crying out loud", he tiredly replied.

"No, Doug – don't 'oh Rob' me! Did you speak to Gary, or not?!" Robbie asked in earnest, ignoring the rolling eyes that met his concerns.

"Yes, alrigh'! I spoke to him, and HE said he couldn't make it because he was full of a head cold", Howard reasoned.

"But did he actually sound like he had a cold?" Robbie wasn't letting go so easily.

"I guess...yes, he did".

"But Gary's never ill, or at least when he is, he'd still usually make it in, I don't understand" Robbie quietly commented, almost to himself.

"Rob, don't read too much into it, and give him a break - the guy is allowed to be ill, it doesn't always have to be about you, you know!" Howard said, rather bluntly.

Robbie felt his eyebrows furrow with irritation, "I know that! I'm just worried about him, or is it illegal for me to still do that, now?!" he angrily challenged.

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