Part 26: All That's Left to Say to You

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Chapter Summary: The aftermath of the fall, or was it a push?! Sorry it's a short chapter. See end of chapter for A/N.

Completely stunned by what had just happened, Gary stayed where he was, looking up at the man that had brought him floor with one shove.

"Oh my God, Gary are you ok?" Lucas leaned over him, with concern, and offered a hand.

Gary honestly wanted to bat the thing away from him, and tell Lucas to get lost. But for some reason, he feared it wouldn't be wise to do so, and so took the proffered hand - but as soon as he was back on his feet, he let go, immediately.

"I'm so sorry, baby – I don't know my own strength, it was a complete accident!" Lucas implored.

But Gary didn't say one word, he just wanted Lucas to leave so he could go to bed alone.

"Baby, it was an accident – you know that don't you?" Lucas continued, and Gary let him, for he knew Lucas was after some kind of verification from him, but Gary wasn't going to give it to him.

"It doesn't look like there's any damage at least, but I think I better get something for this cut though" Lucas went on to say, before he left Gary standing there, while he went into the kitchen to clean up the cut to his hand from moments ago.

Now alone in the lounge, Gary realised he was shaking, but whether it was from shock, anger or fear – he couldn't put money on. He was still standing there when Lucas re-entered, complete with a fresh plaster on his hand from the glass cut. He surveyed Gary stilling standing where he'd left him, and gently shook his head.

"Oh honestly Darling," he said, rolling his eyes, "It was just an accident, you need to get over it." Lucas said with almost a tired droll.

"What does that mean?" Gary asked him, irritated by the dismissal in Lucas' tone.

"I'm just saying there's no need to sulk about it, it was a silly accident, that's all", Lucas said calmly, in a tone best used when speaking to a child.

"I'm not sulking, I know that!" Gary seethed, through gritted teeth.

"Well, then say it" Lucas requested.

"Say what?"

"Say, you know it was an accident" Lucas demanded.

"Why? I just told you –"

"I want to hear you say it, then I'll know you believe it true. So go on, 'it was an accident'- say it back to me" Lucas commanded with a strange tone.

There was that feeling again – Gary felt a chill run up his back, he knew he was making Lucas angry again, but he didn't know why - he just wanted the bastard to get lost pronto...

"Fine! It was an accident Lucas, is that better?"

"It'll do, I suppose." Lucas commented as he approached Gary, with a seductive look in his eyes.

Gary felt his back immediately stiffen, as straight as a board, the moment he felt Lucas' hands glide up his sides - even the lightest of touches making his skin crawl. He turned his head just in time to avoid a pair of hungry lips, but If Lucas noticed, he didn't let on, as his lips landed on to the bare flesh of Gary's neck instead, and left light kisses there.

"Let's go to bed" Lucas purred in his ear.

Gary felt sick, sex tonight was the last thing he wanted, in fact sex with Lucas was the last thing he wanted ever again!

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