Part 6: It's in Your Head

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 Chapter Summary:

Robbie is slowly becoming more and more consumed with his guilt. Gary is starting to notice, and wants answers!

See the end of the chapter for author notes.


Gary awoke the next morning with a hard pressure pressing down on his chest. Opening his eyes, they fell on to the clasping arms holding him tightly under the covers. He was used to Robbie wanting to cuddle in bed, he loved a good cuddle too; but Robbie was really clinging on to him, in his sleep. Gary tried to move them, but they weighed a tonne, so he instead he tried to relax in his lover's arms, except his need to pee was growing greater. From the snores, Robbie was still very much asleep, which the drooling also confirmed. Gary began to slowly wiggle against the muscular tattooed arms clamped around him. It was no good, "babe, hun...I need you to let me go, I need to go" he whispered at Robbie's sleeping form. Robbie stirred in his sleep, furrowed his brows, mumbled but only clasped on tighter to him.

Gary sighed, and felt his lungs being constricted, he didn't suffer from claustrophobia but was growing a little anxious of how his breathing was being restricted. He spoke a little louder, although still soothingly, "Robbie hun, I really need to go, can you let me free now".

Robbie's eyes flickered open and he yawned, making morning noises with his mouth, he nuzzled his nose into Gary's hair before sleepily he replied, "please don't leave me, Gaz – I love you so much".

"yeah I love you too Rob", Gary said with short breaths "...but I really need to breath, and desperately need to pee!"

Something in Gary's words caused Robbie to properly stir awake, and although disorientated at first, he caught sense of Gary's words, "oh sorry babe", he offered as he released Gary from his grasp, "but come back yeah?!" he added with a wink.

Gary whipped the silk duvet back, and stepped out of the bed, completely naked, giving Robbie an eyeful, to say the least! Robbie slid up the bed a little, propped up on an arm, he leaned, admiring Gary's body, as he strode over to the en-suite. He smiled at the view, forgetting any troubles floating in his head from the night before. When Gary returned from the bathroom, good to his word he slinked back into bed, and straight into Robbie's arms, nuzzling into the crook of Robbie's arm pit. Robbie smiled as he reached around the smaller figure, his arms around him once more, enveloping Gary in a giant bear hug.

They finally left their bed over an hour later, not because they'd had a morning sex session but because they'd simply been enjoying the contact of the other's warm body, and it gave them time to properly catch up with no distractions. Robbie loved how Gary talked about his work, it always brought a beautiful sparkle to the older man's eyes, even though it led to him having a sudden pang of guilt for ever complaining about Gary working so much, when he knew Gary's work was just simply a part of him, and made him so incredibly happy. To love Gary was to love his passion for working, it was as simple as that. That said, he loved 'stay at home' Gary the most – slobbing out in trackies, no plans, no deadlines, just relaxing – and that's what he'd missed for a long while.

Gary had noticed Robbie was avoiding a lot of questions about his recent gigs, but decided to let it go, and was busy making them some brunch in the kitchen while Robbie was checking the TV guide to see what was on - Robbie fancied a day just them, and the TV.

"Babe?" Gary casually inquired as he walked in with poached eggs on toast for them both, "where are our dogs?"

Robbie grabbed a bit of toast off the plate offered to him, "Sally's" he mumbled with a mouthful.

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