Chapter 3

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The whole day I could'nt stop thinking about him and I hated that because I cannot have a boy distract me.

"Corki. Can you help me with this equation?"

"Why arent you asking me?" Sun hi protested.

"Well Sun hi, we all know you're not good in math"

"How do you know? We only started class yesterday"

"Yeah... but you think 4.2 isnt a number" Corki added in that's when they started arguing.

"Hey. Stop." They didnt stop nor did they bother to notice me getting my sketchbook and leaving the room.

Being alone in an empty hall seems scary but ever since I've been stuck in that locker with Sun hi I didnt mind.

I took a spot in the couch where I can rest my feet and design in peace. That is until I heard footsteps coming my way so I quickly grab my sketchbook and hide in the potted plant.

"Another year, Another problem" Mr. Stark already passed by and I wanted to see what was going on so I did.

Music was blasting from one of the rooms and I decide to peep in.


I was working on my beats when my door creeked. I was afraid that Mr. Stark came back and decide to give me detention instead I saw beautiful brown eyes and a lock of red streaks.

"Hey" I stopped playing and invited her in.

"Did you... did you really make that?"

"Yeah" She smiled at me "wanna hear more?"

"Sure" I put my headphones around her head. It looked so cute on her.

"Wow these are awesome!" She screamed. I laughed. She seemed to get it and took off the headphones.

"Sorry. We don't even know each other. My name's--"

"Jodi Mappa" I supply. "From brooklyn" Okay Caleb great. Now you sound like a stalker.


"I'm psychic?"

"Yeah okay. Sure" she crossed her arms, waiting for an explaination.

"I-uh kinda saw your file at the Principal's office"

"No way. Ms. Diona wouldn't let a student see another student's file" Oh no. I can't tell her that part.

"You do know that girls arent allowed here at night, right?" It seemed to caught her off guard. Yes. Good work Caleb.

"Yeah but my roomates were fighting so I went out but then I heard Mr. Stark complaining about a problem so I checked it out"

"You know curiousity killed the cat. I could have been a killer"

"No you're not" she giggled "are you?"

"No.... Or am I?" I added an evil laugh for effect. It felt so easy to be weird around her.

"You know that doesnt really scare me"

"Mr. Davis?" It was Mr stark. Knocking on my door.

"But that does"



Lesson one, never go up the boys dorm at night especially if you dont like detention.

It was kinda hard hearing their conversation when you're under a really dusty bed. Why are boys so gross?

"Mr. Stark."

"Mr. Davis. I have told you to go to bed already. You can't miss school tomorrow. I have a huge announcement." He sounded proud. It must be something important.

"Yes Mr. Stark I'm off to bed now" I can hear Caleb gathering his things and jumping on the bed. Clearly he's trying to break my spine.

"Hey" I couldnt help myself but I quickly closed my mouth.

"Who's here?" Mr. Stark asked. I could almost feel Caleb's nervousness.

"No one!" He said almost instantly. "I actually sound girly sometimes"

"Hmmmm.... Maybe you could play dorothy!" He said triumphantly but quickly regretted it.

"Dorothy? Who's that?" Hmmm... I'm guessing he doesnt like books... or fairytales... or tales for that matter.

"Nothing" Mr. Stark sounded relieved. "Go to sleep before we call your uncle"

When he left me and Caleb were left in the room. "You know Caleb, it sounds like Mr. Stark just handed you a role in a play"

"No way. I don't do plays. And Caleb? You stalking me too?"

"What? No. You actually introduced yourself to Ms. Bates this morning. Not really hard to remember"

"So are you stalking me?"

"No" he said a little too quickly. I should feel awkward but it's kinda cute in a weird awkward sorta way.

We stared at each other for what felt like hours but it was probably just a second before I clamed up. "Well I better go" Then I ran. It almost looked like I was scared of him.

Sun hi

A while ago me and Corki were arguing about Math. Me? Arguing about math? No. Not really. It was still about me.

But enough of that. Jodi's missing.

"Well she probably left because of your smartitude"

"Is that even a word?" She rolled her eyes "and she was annoyed by your constant vlogging"

"You are so annoying!"

"Hey! Hey guys!" Jodi was magically standing out the door.

"JODI?!" We said it together but that did not mean we would be hanging out. We secretly glared at each other and I gave her my signature snarl.

"Ugh. Can you two stop fighting?"

"Where have you been?"

Oh right. She was gone. "Yeah where did you go?"


Jodi seemed tense. She does not look good tense. Her eyes widen and her mouth is agape. Flies could enter it.


"I'm tired" Obviously she was hiding something. "I just want to go to bed" her body instantly ploped down. I can't believe it.

Me and Sun hi had to know what was going on but we decided to keep it for tonight. Finally something we agreed on.

"Goodnight Jodi"

"Good night Jodes" she's obviously trying to make me jealous. Not really happening.


I hope they don't notice but I just had the best night ever and I'm smiling in my sleep.


Chapter update! Omg. Caleb is a stalker? Is that his secret? What do you think?

Thinking about making a Douriza story as well but maybe after a while. Still plotting :)


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