Chapter 4

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Last night I had a dream that Jodi was in my room and we were listening to beats and almost got caught by Mr. Stark. Though it wasnt a dream. It was real.

It's been a week since it happened and mostly I don't see her since there was no classes last week and we don't have math together anymore. Now I can't stop smiling when I remember.

I got up and changed into my green shirt and some pants. My uncle got me a job at a roller rink. It's a few minutes away from here so I decide to walk.

 It's a few minutes away from here so I decide to walk

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

No one comes in here. I can tell by the eerie silence and dust bunnies around the floor, but there is an old lady that never goes out. I think she kinda lives here. Her name's maggie and she's always angry.

"Get outta my way punk!" She says as I clean the table top she slept on. Tip: never wake her up. Never. Don't even think about it. Just walk away, like I do.

"What are ya doing here anyway?" I freeze

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"What are ya doing here anyway?" I freeze. Not really sure if I should answer that. "This is sorta my punishment" I say without looking up, sweeping and mopping the floors do a pretty good job in keeping you distracted.

"Well you must have done pretty bad to get a job in this dump"

It doesnt really look like a dump. Does it? It's just uh... outdated. Yeah. Yeah. That's the word. Outdated.

I knew better than to correct her though. "Eh. Kids. Make sure to clean the bathrooms. I use it alot"

I did. Smelled like an army of mice and insects died there. "Ughhh. Did anybody ever cleaned up in here?"

No one. Even maggie ignores me.

Ring ring.

Is that the phone?

Ring ring.

I took the phone out of the reciever. "Uh... hello?... oh hi..... oh yes. Sir. Hello sir....... no. I'm perfectly fine with cleaning the toilets-" not really, do I even have a choice "-uh.... sure. I'll clean it up"

I put it down and start cleaning the stage area but I saw a bunch of salt and pepper shakers so i started to drum them. Looks like I saw them somewhere though. "this place has killer sounds"

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