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Hey guyysss. So as you read this is important. First of all I wanna say thank you for all the comments. They truly made my day even the life threatening one. Hahaha xD that truly cracked me up.

Second. I totally got too much feels for that scene that even I couldnt help but ship Jarmala for an hour but lol. Dont worry guys. I love Jaleb and would never do anything to harm them permanently. Haha

Last maybe because of all the Jarmala drama thats happening you guys didnt mind the poll thingy so Im gonna post it here...

So I need you all to vote A, B, or C.

Dont worry for all of us Jaleb shippers out there any of the choices would be good for our fandom. Oh and the winner from the last contest will be announced next chapter also. Thank you guys

Much love,

Kate 😘

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