Chapter 25

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Sun hi

When Corki told me that Caleb was finally going to ask Jodi to be his girlfriend I was elated and then the surprise... I loved it. I felt happy for them but weirdly enough I recognized the song. I sang along to parts of it while some people just heard it. So where have I heard it before?

Also the flowers he gave her. They have some sort of resemblance to me but I can't put a finger on it.

"Sun hi?!" Corki calls for the nth time I think. My head is starting to hurt and I slowly fall down.

Noticing my quick change of mood Jodi and Corki approaches me and helps me up.

Co: Hey are you okay?

J: You've been off it lately

S: Yeah. No. I... uh. I don't know headache I guess

Co: okay. You should go to bed. We still have class tomorrow

J: We should all rest.

They all slept peacefully but I was restless. Both of them were sound sleepers and I didnt want to wake them in the middle of the night.

I went to the rooftop to get some fresh air and found someone else hanging there as well. "You again?"

L: Hello Sun hi.

S: What are you doing here?

L: I was about to ask you the same thing. You're trespassing.

S: I'm not! You cane here first.

L: But this is technically my hideout so... yeah. You're tresspassing.

S: I.... ugh! Whatever. I'm leaving.

Just as I turned around to leave he grabbed my hand and spun me around his arms. The next thing I knew his lips were already on mine.

What surprised me more, I wasn't resisting. I actually kissed back, my hand was on his hair and his hands were on my waist.

The second I pulled away for air I slapped him right across his face. Tears were already pouring out my eyes. What is happening to me?

S: I.... I.....

My legs gave in and my head started to flood with visions of me holding a boquet of peonies, same ones that Caleb gave to Jodi and a blurred face giving it to me. I collapsed to the floor as my head swirled around. My vision blurred. "Sun hi! Sun hi!"

Everything went black.

The last thing I saw was Linc's face and remembered us kissing, though I wish I didn't. I wish it was a dream but the unshakable feeling of warmth on my lips was still there, like it didn't want to leave.

J: Sun hi?

I opened my eyes and I was back in the dorm. No doubt Linc was there but as I looked around it was only Jodi and Corki.

Co: Where were you?! We thought you died!

She hugged me and Jodi followed.

J: Yeah. You were lying on the floor in front of the door.

S: Wha--?

He kissed me? And then he just left me on the floor when I collapsed?! The nerve of some people.

J: We need to get you checked. You look awful.

Co: Not your normal Sun hi self.

S: Sorry. I guess I was sleep walking but I'm fine.

I even let out a giggle so they wont worry. I decided not to tell them anything yet. After all my first kiss shouldn't be with someone I barely knew. It was embarrassing to tell them.

J: Okay....

Co: Get some rest now.

S: Thanks girls. Come on lets all get some rest. We still have classes tomorrow.

J: Okay. That walk must have made you bonkers.

We all took a great laugh before our eyes drifted to sleep.



In the morning Caleb had picked me up so that we could go to the auditorium together. I was still new at this relationship thing but I held his hand walking there. Surprisingly it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be, Caleb made sure I was comfortable with it.

"NO PDA!" Ms. Diona harshly reminded us but we were still holding hands so she just let out a sigh and walked away muttering "young people these days. Hmph"

D: Way to go pissing off Ms. Diona.

Darmala meant it as a joke but with the homecoming still fresh on our mind Caleb gave him a warning.

C: You better back off Charmala!

D: Hey. I kinda liked that name and no worries. I know the bro code.

He held out a hand to shake and Caleb took it. I was glad.

Co: Wow. Things are looking up today.

Says Corki right behind us followed by Sun hi. Jared was already inside helping out with the preparation.

S: Okay people move it! Superstars coming through.

She tells the people who were blocking the entrance. Surprisingly some people were delighted that Sun hi passed through. Others just stared at her blankly.

We all took a seat on the middle of the bleachers as Darmala, Alex and Linc were in the front row.

S: Hey! Why arent we in front? Don't we get special VIP treatment around here.

Co: (giggles) Calm down Sun hi. Theyre just being introduced.

Mr. S: Okay attention! So lets meet our new students Linc, Darmala and Alex.

They stand up in one line and wave to the students. Linc stole the mic from Mr. Stark who seemed uninterested and sat down. "Hello McKendrick Prep!" Some girls are swooning but I obviously wasnt. psh. Please. Like who would cheer for them. 

L: So you're looking at my new band mates. Alex and Darmala

S: What?!

L: That's right Sun hi. We are L3 and we're gonna beat you in band blast.

S: Band what?

L: Hmph. You don't even know it yet. Figures, pretty faces don't usually pay attention.

Ohhhhhhh. I hear the crowd roar. 

Ms. D: Be quiet all of you!

Everyone hushed up. Unless they wanted to hear Principal Diona blab about her boring stories then its best to just ignore her and keep quiet.

Ms. D: Very well. Off to your classes!


Hey! So now that Jaleb's a thing I'm starting Slinci's love story now. haha any ways. Jaleb's first date will be coming up. Choose between A - caleb brings Jodi to the movies, B- Caleb brings Jodi to a picnic or C- Caleb brings Jodi out of nowhere

Choose wisely. :)

So I have a new joint account with my fellow countryman (hahaha okay that just sounds so formal) and one of my closest friends here in Wattpad ErikaBiancaRamilo1 :) Please follow us the username is Afriendship. :) We'll think of things to write soon and I'll be updating maybe 2 days from now haha :)

Hope you guys enjoy now I need to enjoy sleep :*

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