Chapter 5

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"Corki?" It was Jodi. What is she doing here?

"You're missing Math! MAAATH! How could you live with that?"

She laughed. "Okay calm down Corki." She sat on Sun hi's bed, the one next to mine. Not like I had a choice. "Look. Sun hi can be a bit... uh... full of ego but she's great. She's a good friend"

Little did they know Sun hi was listening in.

J:"-and I know we havent spent a lot of time together but we can all be friends. Dorm room sisters as Sun hi would say. She already has your brush"

Corki giggled. C: thanks but I don't think we could ever be friends. We're not actually on the same level

S: same level? Excuse me?

They both looked up as Sun hi stormed in. She was wearing her blue cat hoddie

S: You are the type of girl my parents  always wanted! And I am never going to be as smart but that's why I'm talented. I have to be or else I'll be nothing. Our 'level' may not be the same but I have something great.

C: I have to be the best! I'm nothing without my grades. You're lucky you can choose. I never could.

Both of them were silent. On the verge of tears. Someone had to step in.

J: stop it. Listen to yourselves. We obviously want the same things. Can we just stop fighting and start over?

(A/N: just imagine them wearing the clothes they wore on the hallway all throughout the song. Hehehe)

Co: okay. I'm in.

That was their start. A start of something new.

Sun hi

S: #newfriendselfie (all of them poses) while I continue to vlog the moment

J: hey! I know who else can join us!

S: no jodi. 2 girls beside me already decreases my spolight time. We don't need another one!

J: no. I know someone who has killer beats. I bet he can give us new songs and stuff. He wont even hig your spotlight.

S: omg. Let's hear it.

J: ummm... I have to find him first.

Co: him?

J: her?

Co: you're not sure.

Corki and Sun hi are looking at her funny.

J: I mean it. I'll find it!. Gotta go bye!

She ran out as fast as a rabbit. Something's up. Something fishy. I don't like fishy. It ruins the smell of my clothes.

Co: I bet she has something to do with that Caleb guy.

S: So?

Co: he's trouble.

S: yeah yeah. He missed math.

One way or another we had to find out what Jodi is hiding. We may have just became friends but Corki and I wanted to know.


They were obviously following me but I had nothing to hide. I just wanted help with our songs is that even suspicious?

I can hear them arguing a mile away. They aint that good.



Spying on someone was a whole different story when you actually have to do it yourself.

"Sun hi. We're not very good spies" I try to say but she just continues to argue.

S: Shut up Corki"

J: "Guys"

Co: "See I knew she would know"

Jodi turned around and saw us. Were were arguing again and just when I thought we would actually become friends.

"If you really want to know then come and follow me."

We go up to the boys dorm. Just in time that Caleb arrived. "Hey Jodi" I was smiling from ear to ear and I'm guessing they noticed because Corki fake coughed.

"Oh. Um. Hi. These are my friends Corki and Sun hi."

Co & S: Hi

S: So jodi has mentioned you a lot

Ca: Really???

He said all excited. It made me blush a little.

Ca: um.. I mean really? Well uh. Whatd she say?

Co: hmmm I think he's a little too full dont you think Jodi? Maybe he's not the right guy.

Ca: what? I didnt even get the chance. Jodi. We just met.

We all looked at him funny and he started to get the message so we just laughed

S: No no. We mean right guy for this band. We're gonna make a band but we need sick beats. But CORKI is too judgemental and thinks you're bad for us because you missed Math

Co: hey. You talk about math like its not important.

J: can we just get to the point?

I could see Caleb looking back at Corki then Sunhi

Ca: what?

J: We're making a band and we need beats. You're the best guy I know. Actually the only guy. So yeah will you do it?


Ooooohhh a chance to work with your crush. Will Caleb take it?

Guys choose what will happen next. :) Just comment 1 or 2. :)

Sorry for updating so late. I couldnt decide when to end the chapter. Hahaha. I'll try to make a shorter one next time.

Thanks for reading. Dont forget to comment your choice. :)

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