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When I heard she was here, I did nothing but search for her, but I knew she was aware of my presence, so she remained elusive.

I scoured every corner until I reached the back of the engineering building.

"Are you looking for me?"

I swiftly dodged as soon as she spoke. Whenever facing her, alertness was key—she never fought fair.

"You know, you're too ugly."

I estimated her about five meters away, but in the blink of an eye, she stood right in front of me.

I stared, her smirk evident as she leaned in close.

That's her tell...

I tried to retreat, but it was too late; a powerful blow to my stomach doubled me over.

Anyone hit like that would squirm.

"You and your dirty tactics again," I managed through gritted teeth, creating distance to prepare for her next attack.

"And you still haven't managed to block those so-called 'dirty tactics'?"

She taunted, insulting me effortlessly.

She truly was the definition of an annoying brat.

"Why are you here?" I demanded, needing to understand her purpose. She wasn't one to waste time without reason.

"Why so rude?" she pouted, feigning hurt, a whisper in my ear quickening my heartbeat uncomfortably.

Her scent was sickly sweet.


My name called, I snapped back to reality, but Hyra was gone. How long had I stood there?

"Are you alright? I was taking a shortcut to class and found you frozen in place," Joshua said, concern in his voice as he approached, patting my shoulder. "Heading to class? Let's go together."

I understood his intention—to avoid scolding alone.

"I'm not feeling well. You go ahead; I'll head home."

Without waiting for a reply, I turned away, heading straight for the parking lot and my car.

I needed some air.

I drove to Paradise, Nathan's bar. Even from a distance, I heard the chaotic noise—Nathan wasn't around.

Before entering, I retrieved something from my car—the mask that marked me as the district leader, responsible for the twelfth district.

"The twelfth district leader is here. Let him through," I smirked beneath my mask. One perk of my position: free entry and drinks.

Conversation halted as patrons bowed respectfully as I passed.

It was easy to make their lives hell if they defied me.

"This way, sir," a waitress guided me to a VIP seat.

I noted the new, predominantly female staff—likely Jarvis' doing.


A commotion from another VIP area caught my attention—a man causing a ruckus, throwing objects recklessly.

Not good. Nathan would be furious if this continued during my visit.

"He's always like that. Some customers are scared; the staff can't handle him," the waitress explained, noticing my concern.

MY THIRTEEN MASK Where stories live. Discover now