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"What? You didn't protect Mr. Lerwick and Demon escaped? What kind of leaders are you?" The leader of the elders spoke weakly yet emphatically.

They were currently inside Vixen, discussing the recent chaos at the auction.

"If we hadn't withdrawn from the area and pursued them, they would have ambushed us. Half the people at that auction were Demon's allies," Nathan calmly replied, crossing his legs. "Are you angry because the outcome failed, or because we returned alive?"

The other masks remained silent, unsure of how to interpret the elders' true sentiments, allowing Nathan to continue speaking.

In truth, they had been unable to confront the two members of the White Monarchy due to the sudden arrival of hundreds of mafia underlings.

"These mafia underlings only have one objective — to obtain the masks. Zeus likely exterminated half of them before vanishing," Nathan explained.

"If you have nothing important to add, we're leaving. We have urgent matters to attend to," Ice declared, rising abruptly and exiting with the other leaders.


The door closed sharply, leaving the head elder to tighten his jaw in frustration.

"I want detailed reports on all movements of the masks in and out of the Caribbean. Anyone who attracts their attention should be eliminated," he instructed.

"I think I understand why the first mask behaves that way. He's obsessed with a woman," Morgan Mourer, the principal elder of the Caribbean, interjected.

"A woman? Then you know what to do, don't you?" the leader responded sharply.

"Yes, I know," Morgan affirmed.

"Then you're dismissed." The elder leader stood, glaring irritably at the second elder, who calmly sipped his coffee.

"Is there a problem, Uno?" Despite his irritation, the elder couldn't bring himself to rebuke Uno.

"Nothing at all. I'm merely praying for your safety," Uno replied with a broad smile, leaving the leader momentarily stunned.


"Here," I smiled up at Sky as he pressed the cold drink against my cheek.

"Did you miss me? It's been a whole week," I teased, taking a refreshing sip from the drink he had handed me.

He remained silent, his gaze intense as he sat apart from me. Did I offend him somehow?

We were in his spacious office, my sanctuary upon arriving at school. Unlike the cafeteria, here I found snacks that suited my tastes perfectly.

"So, you didn't miss me at all?" I prodded, half-jokingly.

"Not like that," he finally replied, setting his drink down and crossing the room towards me. His hands gently framed my face, his touch warm and familiar. "I missed you more than words can say," he confessed softly, his lips finding mine in a tender kiss.

Feeling a surge of desire, I melted into his touch, my hands instinctively finding their way to his shoulders, pulling him closer. Sky responded eagerly, his arms wrapping around me as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving against mine with an urgency that sent a shiver down my spine.

With a soft chuckle against my lips, Sky broke away for a moment. "Wait," he whispered huskily, his eyes darkening with desire.

I watched with anticipation as he swiftly strode to the door, his strong fingers deftly locking it with a decisive click. The sound sent a thrill through me, knowing we were now completely alone. He turned back to me, a hunger in his eyes that mirrored my own longing.

MY THIRTEEN MASK Where stories live. Discover now