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Suga's POV

"I'm going to sleep" grandma said and gave both Areum and I a kiss on the forehead before heading to her bedroom.

"Goodnight" Areum said and as soon as granny left the room she got up from her seat and snuggled next to me on the couch.

"Yoongi?" she said and lifted her head to look at me.

"Yes?" I said as I lowered the volume of the TV.

"Everything's okay now right?" she asked while making small circles on my palm with her finger.

"More than okay" I said and held her closer to me. "I have the boys, grandma and you, my puffy-face" I said and pinched her cheek.

At first she really didn't like that nickname but she's slowly getting used to it.

"But..." she paused for a moment. "What about your parents? You've been away from home for two whole years. Don't you miss them?" she asked.

I smiled looking at her cute expression.

"I miss them. I miss them so much" I said and felt her grip on me tighten.

"Then why don't you go see them?" she asked. "I'll come with you"

I chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"I... I don't know. I'm afraid they won't accept me back. Isn't it a little too late?" I said.

She caressed my cheek in an attempt to comfort me but all I needed was her presence.

"It's never too late, Yoongi! We have to go" she stood up and held both of my hands dragging me with her.

"Wait, you mean now?" I said and my eyes widened in surprise.

"Why not?" she tilted her head looking at me with a wondering expression.

"It's kinda late, isn't it?" I said while pointing at the clock hanging on the wall.

She turned to where I was pointing at and looked back at me feeling a little embarrassed.

"Umm you're right" she admitted, disappointment noticeable in her voice.

She was about to let go of my hands when I held them tighter pulling her closer. Her small body fitted perfectly in my arms.

"It's okay, we can go tomorrow" I said and couldn't resist kissing her lips after seeing her sparkly eyes staring at me.

The next morning Areum woke me up ready for our journey.

"Did you ask for permission from your dad? It's a long way to Daegu and we will probably have to spend the night there" I said.

"Don't worry about it" she whispered. "Granny is going to cover for us" she said and winked at me.

I blushed at her act. It's not like we're going to go on a trip and spend the night together alone so there's no need for anyone to cover for us. Well, now that I think about it that's exactly what's happening.

My heart started racing when I thought about it.

Of course her dad wouldn't allow it. His daughter being away with a guy he doesn't know well yet would definitely be out of the question.

"Are you okay? Why is your face so red?" she asked and reached to touch my forehead.

"I- I'm totally fine" I said and cleared my throat getting the thoughts out of my mind. "Just don't wink like that to anyone else" I said and walked out of the room hearing her giggle behind my back.

"Are you sure this is where they live now?" Taehyung's mom asked as she stopped out of my parents' house.

I had been visiting them from time to time but never had the courage to approach them. I always watched them from afar before leaving again.

"Yes, this is it. Thanks so much for driving us here Mrs Kim" I said and stepped out of the car followed by Areum.

Luckily she happened to be coming to Daegu too in order to get some stuff from their old apartment.

I stood at the pavement for a moment thinking whether this really was a good idea or not.

"Maybe we should go back" I said and turned my back to walk away but Areum stopped me, holding my hand.

"Yoongi, please. We've come this far"


"No, I know what you're going to say. What if they shut their door in your face, what if they don't want you back after leaving like that" she said and I lifted my head to look at her. "But what if they've really missed you? What if they're waiting for their son to come back everyday? Don't you want to find out? The answer is only ten steps away"

"You'll be by my side, right?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yoongi?" I heard a voice that I've missed terribly and turned around. "Oh my god, it... it is you" mom cried and ran to me with her arms open.

"Honey? Who is-" dad stepped out of the house and was left speechless when he saw me.

"It's Yoongi, our baby is back" she said and hugged me so tightly that it was getting hard to breath.

"I'm sorry mom" I said trying to hold back my tears.

She was already crying though.

"There's nothing to be sorry about" dad said and wrapped his arms around me and mom. "All that matters is that you're okay now"

We didn't talk for about ten minutes. We just stood there and enjoyed each others warmth after all this time, mom kissing my forehead and dad caressing my hair.

"Come inside. I... I'll make you something to eat" mom said and wiped the remaining tears of her cheeks. "What do you want?"

"I'll eat anything my mom makes" I chuckled and dad smiled.

"Oh but who is this young lady?" dad asked after noticing Areum standing a few steps away.

"She's Areum. My... my girlfriend" I introduced her feeling a little shy.

"Omo, really? It's so nice to meet you sweety" mom gave her a welcoming hug and lead her inside.

"Well done son. She really is beautiful" dad said and placed his arm around my shoulders. "She must be a nice girl too"

"Yeah, she is" I smiled.

"I'm sure you have many things to tell us. Let's get inside" he said.

Now everything is really okay.


Annyeong ^_^

Sorry for not updating for the last couple of days but life happened and I was extremely busy.

So how was this chapter? Next one is most likely going to be the last chapter of this story. I'll try my best to publish it tomorrow :)


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