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Suga's POV

I woke up crying. I dreamt of that day again just when I thought I was starting to get it out of my mind.

...two years ago...

"Maybe we shouldn't have come here today" Jin said "You saw the weather forecast. A bad storm is coming" he started nagging again.

"Stop worrying, Jin eomma" Hoseok teased him. "It's been sunny all week. They probably made a mistake again"

"Yoongi hyung, we found it!" Jungkook popped up out of nowhere jumping around in enthusiasm. "Come with me! V hyung and Jimin hyung are waiting there."

"Okay, okay. I'm coming" I said and followed him.

We were at the woods out of the city with the boys. We had heard about the secret clearing and decided to look for it.

"Yah! Slow down a little" I called out and stopped out of breath with my hands resting on my knees. "You know I can't run as fa-" I wasn't able to complete my sentence after raising my head.

"Wow!" Jin hyung, who had been behind me all this time, exclaimed. "So this is it. The secret hideout of the forest fairies"

I chuckled as he observed the place in awe. He really doesn't look like the eldest here.

"Really? Fairies? You know they only exist in fairy tales right hyung?" Namjoon asked looking at him with a judgmental face.

"What?" V asked shocked "That's not true" he whispered to himself.

"Of course I know that. But look at this place. No wonder everyone believes magical creatures live here. It's beautiful" Jin said.

He was right. It was pretty hard to find this location since it was on the edge of the cliff but it was totally worth the effort.

Just as you were wandering around under the shadows of the tall trees you could find the rays of light hitting the bare cliff.

"Who are we?" Hoseok asked standing in front of the rest of us who were admiring the view.

"The rising BTS" V joined him.

"Who are we?" Jimin stood by them and we all started singing.

"We will swallow you without fear
Cuz we got fire fire fire
Get higher higher higher
If you don't know us, get to know us well
Who are we? Who? The rise of Bangtan"

We jumped around laughing and V continued the song alone.

"Lalala la lala lalala lalalalala turn up!
Lalala la lala lalala lalalalala turn up!
Swallow your heart, I'm here, let everyone know

Lalala la lala lalala lalalalala

Who are we? Who? The rise of Bangtan" he made a funny pose to finish of his solo.

That was a song that we had written together just for fun. It was something like our anthem.

We've been together since I can remember. Jin, I, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, V and Jungkook are the seven members of BTS, the Bangtan Boys. Jin hyung came up with this name since, as he said, he was the oldest hyung so he had to choose our gangs name.

We weren't anything special though. Just a group of childhood friends having fun protecting the weak from the bullies at school and our neighborhood.

None of us could have ever imagined all the tragic things we'd have to face. So we kept spending time together, having fun, teasing each other, protecting each other, supporting each other.

Until that day. That awful day that ruined everything...

"Hey V, don't stand that close to the edge" Hoseok warned him earning a rectangle smile from V.

Suddenly, clouds gathered blocking the sun rays and everything became darker. The ground started shaking and the younger boys panicked.

That was when a part of the cliff crumbled and in a mere moment V was hanging from the edge. His body disappeared from our eyes and we could only see his arms struggling to keep in contact with the rock.

"Hyung!" Jungkook shouted and attempted to run to him but Jimin held him back.

"Stay here. And don't worry, I'll get him" Jin hyung said with an expression that made us trust his words. "Yoongi take care of them" he said and I nodded but I felt scared that moment.

He walked towards V slowly taking a careful steady step each time. My eyes followed his every move closely and my heart started racing in anxiety. I was ready to run to them in case something went wrong.

But... It all happened so quickly.

Hyung managed to pull V up and the younger ran towards us. I looked at Jin's smiling face and he gave me a thumbs up. That was when another minor quake struck. But it was enough to make him lose his balance.

Jin... He fell, he was lost.

The boys starting screaming his name but I couldn't hear anything. I just stared at the vast emptiness in front of me. I tried to deny the truth. I tried to believe it was all a bad dream. I wished it was a nightmare that would end when I opened my eyes and wiped the sweat of my forehead.

But when reality hit me, I lost all strength and my legs gave up. I landed on my knees and I knew that I looked pale as hell that moment. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and I burst out crying with everyone.

I should have done something. I should have prevented him from falling. I should have protected him. Just as he had been protecting all of us.

A few days later they said that they found his body. It... it was washed up on the riverbank.

After that I isolated myself from everyone. It took me weeks to even get out of my house.

When I finally accepted it and found the courage to meet with the boys some neighbor told me that they were all gone.

I wasn't okay. I tried many things to hurt myself. I even wanted to set myself on fire but I was too much of a coward to do that. So I just ran away from home.

I should have been in his place. We needed him to keep us together.


You cannot imagine how hard it was for me to write this chapter (Jin is my bias for those of you who didn't know and I just wrote the scene of his death). I think I'm just going to put Taehyun's I'm Young on repeat and cry myself to sleep.

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