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Areum's POV

Finally the bell rang and everyone in the class started gathering their staff to leave from school.

I was putting my books in my backpack while humming a song when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hey" Hoseok said and rubbed the back of his neck. "Can we walk home together?" he asked and stared at me waiting for my reply.

"We... The two of us? You mean only you and me walk home?" I asked feeling flustered and he chuckled at my reaction.

"Yes. Just us" he said.

"I'd really like that" I told him and my lips formed into a smile before I could realize it.

He looks a little better today. I want to help him get rid of the sad expression he had the other day at the rooftop but I don't know what happened to him so I can't do much yet.

We've started hanging out more often after that day so hopefully I'll manage to gain his trust and he'll share his problem with me.

"It's raining?!" I gasped when we reached the exit of the school building. "But it was sunny all day. And I haven't brought an umbrella..." I complained and looked at the clouds that were hovering over the whole town.

"Come here" Hoseok said and brought me closer to him pulling me by my waist.

Our bodies made contact, not a good thing for my heart, and he put his jacket over our heads.

"Let's run" he suggested and before I could answer our feet were already splashing in the small puddles made by the rain.

After running for a while in the streets we stopped out of a bakery to catch our breath.

"Ah, it's been a while since I last felt so free" he said and smiled sincerely this time.


"Hmm?" he turned to look at me.

"Can you smile like that more often? I like seeing you this way" I said taking him by surprise.

"Oh... I promise that I'll try" he said and held his jacket over us once again. "Ready?" he asked with a smile.

"Let's run" I said and wrapped my arm around his waist so that we'd synchronize our pace easier.

It felt so nice knowing that I made him laugh. But I couldn't stop thinking about what could have happened in his past.

Dad didn't come home that night.

The storm was raging outside and I tried my best to distract myself. Thunders have always been one of my worst fears. I would always cover my whole body with my blanket and curl up in a ball waiting for the loud noises to stop. I sometimes even cried myself to sleep when I was younger afraid that the rain monsters were coming closer with each thunder.

Now I know monsters don't exist but I still can't get over that uncomfortable feeling.

I picked up my phone and checked the time. It was still 10pm.

It had been raining nonstop since the afternoon. Thinking that it wasn't that late yet I tried calling someone to get my mind occupied.

"Areum, why are you calling at this time? Did something happen?" he asked worried.

"No, I'm just a little scared of the storm and... I wanted to talk to somebody. Can you talk? Is it not a good time?"

"Oh is that so? I'm not doing anything right now. I just got in my bedroom cause I couldn't stand the sight of my sister crying while watching that drama again." I chuckled as I imagined the situation.

"You're lucky you have a sister" I said and he sighed.

"Yeah... I know. I used to have brothers too, six of them."

What is he talking about? Could it be that he's finally opening up to me?

"They were my non blood related family, you know. But..." he paused and I could hear muffled sounds coming from the other side of the line. "Don't mind me. I'm just talking nonsense..." he said and tried to laugh it off but I knew he was speaking of the truth.

And I could tell that his truth hurt him badly.

We kept talking about random staff and I don't quite remember when but I fell asleep listening to his voice.

Suga's POV

"Aigoo, this storm doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon" grandma said while looking outside through the window.

"You don't like rain granny?" I asked.

"Its not that I don't like it. Areum is the one I'm worried about. She's been afraid of thunder's since she was a little girl. I wonder whether she'll be able to sleep tonight." she said with a worried expression.

"I... I could go get her if you want" I said.

"Omo, would you do that? What a sweet boy..." she said and pinched my cheek. "Do you by any chance like my Areum?" she teased me.

"Wha... What? I don't like puffy-face at all." I objected.

"Haha! Your red cheeks show that you're not being honest, though. I can't blame you, she's a beautiful young lady. She took after me." she said proudly.

I couldn't help but smile with her. But I don't like puffy-face. It's just that she has been through a lot. Just like me.

I actually almost told her about them that night at the hospital even though I swore to never speak of what happened. I don't want to relive those memories.

It will only bring back the pain, the pain that I caused...

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