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...One week later...

Suga's POV

We were at the library with Areum looking for all the books we needed.

"This one is here and that one is on the desk. Okay one more to find and we're done" I talked to myself as I was checking my list and started searching in every corridor.

After taking a turn on the left I saw Areum standing on a ladder leaning in front of the last book self. She was standing on the tips of her toes stretching her whole body in order to reach the book we wanted. 

I still find it hard to believe that this girl is mine, she loves me back. 

I chuckled at the thouught but it took a mere moment for my smile to disappear.

"Areum!" I screamed and ran to her side.

Her fragile body was lying on the floor and a few books had fallen on her. I hurriedly threw them away from her and gently pulled her head in my lap.

"Help! Someone" I called out.

A couple of students noticed me and rushed to get help.

I held her head with my hands and felt something wet. I lifted my palm only to see that it was covered in blood.

There was no room for me to panic as she opened her eyes looking straight at me.

"Yoongi?" she asked with her voice being barely audible. "My head hurts"

"I know baby. I'm here and everything's going to be okay, I promise" I said trying to hold back my tears as I watched her eyelids getting heavier. "No, no. Stay with me, talk to me, puffy-face" I tried to keep her conscious and slightly shook her shoulders.

"Didn't I... didn't I tell you?" she smiled. "It's Areum" her half open eyes were struggling to stay focused on me so I had to stay calm.

"Okay, now don't speak. Just look at me, okay?" I said and leaned closer planting a kiss on her forehead.

I managed to prevent her from fainting and soon the ambulance arrived. I accompanied her to the hospital and called granny to inform her about the accident. I didn't know how to contact her father so I could only hope he'd find out one way or another and at least come to visit her.

"Doctor? Is she alright?" I asked when I saw the man in the white coat exiting Areum's room.

"Oh yes, of course. She had a minor injury on her head but it's not something we have to worry about. She almost lost consciousness because of the shock caused by the fall, nothing serious. You will be able to see her in a few minutes" he kindly explained everything to me.

"Thank you doctor" I said as I held his hand and bowed to him.

I sighed in relief and he chuckled making me feel confused.

"Ah young love. This brings back so many memories" he said.


"It's nothing. You make a cute couple so keep taking care of her boy" he said with a smile before walking away.

As I was waiting for the nurse to call me, a man in his forties appeared in the corridor. He had obviously run here since he was panting heavily as he was looking around with eyes full of worry.

"I'm sorry sir, do you need help?" I approached him and asked feeling sorry for him.

"My... my daughter is here. Where is she?" he asked and fell on his knees. "I need to see her. I need to make sure she's okay" he started crying before finishing his sentence.

I helped him sit on a chair and tried to calm him down.

"Could it be that you're Areum's father?" I asked and he nodded wiping off his tears. "She's in there, sir" I told him while pointing at the door of her room.

"Oh god, why did this have to happen to her? She's still so young, my beautiful daughter. I won't be able to live if I lose her too" he said between his sobs. "I was so wrong all this time, so wrong"

"She's going to be okay, the doctor said it wasn't serious" I reassured him.

"You can come see her" a nurse said after opening the door.

I wanted to go so badly but seeing her father in that state made me decide to stay outside and wait. I knew he needed to talk to her.

Areum's POV

I was already feeling better. The nurse opened the door and I could see Yoongi standing outside but my eyes widened when I saw dad entering the room.

"Areum?" he called my name with tears in his eyes and ran to my side.

He hugged me so tightly that I could barely breathe but I didn't care. I wanted it to last as long as possible. It was a moment I always dreamed of, well not exactly like this in a hospital room, but I had always been longing for my dad's embrace.

"Dad I'm fine" I said but he didn't let go. "I'm more than fine now that you're here actually" I giggled and tightened my grip too.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" he whispered in my ear.

"It's not your fault dad, I was just careless" I told him.

"No, this is not what I'm talking about. I'm sorry for everything. I thought that keeping the distance between us would be the best thing to do for your sake. I wasn't able to protect your mom and I convinced myself that you'd be safe as long as I wasn't a part of your life" his voice started trembling.

"That's not the case at all" I looked in his watery eyes and caressed his cheek. "I needed you more than anything but I thought... I thought you hated me for what happened to mom so I was scared to talk to you"

"I would never hate my baby daughter. I can only love you" he said and held my hand placing a kiss on top of it. "The one I hate is myself. After I lost your mother I became someone else. I didn't want you to suffer with me so I only watched over you from afar. But apparently I only managed to hurt you too. I'm such a failure" he said lacking the courage to look at me.

"Daddy, it's okay. Just promise me that you'll start loving yourself again from now on cause I love you and I'm sure mom loved you too" I smiled at him and lifted up the corners of his lips with my fingers making him chuckle with tears still forming in his eyes. "Don't forget that she's always been with us. She will stay in our hearts forever" I repeated grandma's words that never failed to help me feel better as I pointed at his chest.

He looked at me for a moment with the expression I've wished to see since I was a little girl and embraced me again.

"I promise. From now on I'll never let anything or anyone hurt you my baby" he said and my heart was about to explode from happiness. 

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