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Areum's POV

I knocked on the door and waited for a couple of minutes until I heard someone approaching from the inside.

"I forgot my-" I was cut off when a middle aged man appeared behind the door.

I could sense that something wasn't right. The man standing in front of me looked like the man Taehyung described. 'Taller that Hoseok, with black hair and a big stomach' were his exact words.

I took a step back while thinking what the best thing to do was.

"Hey little girl" he called me with a dull expression. "Do you want something?" he asked and approached me.

I could smell the alcohol in his breath. Despite my heart racing from fear I peeked inside in an attempt to find out what had happened but I couldn't spot anything. Neither Taehyung nor Hana were in sight.

"I... I think I have to go" I stuttered and he glared at me.

"You can't" he said and grabbed my hand pulling me inside.

I tried to scream for help but he had already shut my mouth with his huge palm.

"There's no one here to help you. You're so unlucky" he said with a smirk on his face.

Four or five men showed up from the other rooms and one of them took hold of me.

"Tie her up with the other two" the man said. "She probably doesn't have anything to do with this but we can't just let her go" he looked straight at me after finishing his sentence.

I was brought to the living room where I saw Taehyung lying on the floor unconscious with his hands and legs tied up. My eyes widened when I realized there was blood all over him again like the first time we found him. But this time it was his own blood staining his clothes.

Hana was also in the room. She was tied up on a chair and her mouth was covered with a piece of cloth. Her eyes were red from crying after seeing her brother in that state being unable to do something in order to help him.

They tied me to a kitchen chair which was placed next to her. I wanted to give her a hug and tell her that everything's going to be okay since the others will certainly look for us but we could only exchange looks. As far-fetched as it may sound, we managed to comfort each other just by looking at each others eyes.

Soon the doorbell rang.

"Another one? I told you we shouldn't have done something like this" one of the men told the big guy who was apparently their 'leader'.

"Have your bats ready" was all he said before heading to the door.

I wanted to shout that this was a trap since I already knew it was either Hoseok or Suga behind the door but the cloth in my mouth prevented me from doing so.

I shut my eyes tightly when I heard Suga's voice calling for Taehyung wishing that when I'd open them I'd be back in the car and all this would just be a nightmare. But I wasn't dreaming.

A few seconds later the door opened and Suga barged in followed by Hoseok. The men instantly attacked them and the two boys fought back as if they had prepared for this. They were almost able to have the upper hand in the fight since they were covering for each others back.

But they were outnumbered. They managed to take down three men but there were still three left and I could tell that their strength was starting to give up on them. It was written all over their faces that they were in pain.

That's when a pink haired guy entered the room. I was confused at first but I knew he was on our side after he threw a punch on a man's face knocking him down.

I was even more puzzled when another boy showed up. He had about the same height as Suga and his hair was dyed orange.

I turned to look at Hana and after seeing her relieved expression I realized who they were. BTS members!

It didn't take them long to beat up all the men.

"Areum" Suga shouted after making sure everyone was safe. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" he asked and knelt down next to me helping me untie myself.

After taking the rope away from my body he lifted me up and hugged me tightly.

"I was so scared" he almost whispered.

"I can't breath" I murmured and he loosened his grip in order to listen to what I said.

"Huh?" he said with his injured arms still wrapped around me.

"You were holding me too tightly, I couldn't breathe" I repeated.

"Oh I... I'm sorry" he said after letting me go and taking a step back. "I just..." he paused.

I noticed that his cheeks had slightly turned red and despite my mind telling me that it was probably because of the adrenaline rush, my heart skipped a beat when I looked at his eyes staring at mine.

We were interrupted when a boy that looked younger that me appeared at the door.

"I was late" the black haired boy said while sulking.

"Kookie, you missed the fun part" the pink haired guy said and everyone chuckled.

A moment of silence was what followed. The five boys were looking at each other and I could see their smiles appearing on their faces.

I helped Hana lift up Taehyung who had began to regain consciousness.

"Rapmon hyung, Jimin hyung..." his eyes were glowing because of the forming tears. "Kookie, you all came" he said and gathered all his strength to reach them.

"There was no way we wouldn't come after recieving your text message" the boy named Jimin said.

"We've always been there for each other. We were fools for being apart all this time" Hoseok said.

They exchanged a few looks before the younger one spoke up.

"Who are we?" he asked and I eagerly waited to see their answer.

"The rising BTS" they said in unison and formed a group hug.

"Jin hyung" Suga shouted with his eyes closed and his head slightly lifted up. "I'm sorry that I've been such a coward. I bet you're watching us right now" He opened his eyes that had become watery. "You're probably smiling now, aren't you? I'll do my best to keep us six together from now on. I promise" he said and I saw some of the boys messily wiping off the tears from their eyes.

The scene taking place in front of me was so beautiful despite all the things than happened just a few minutes ago.  

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