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Hoseok's POV

"Yes, that's it guys!" I exclaimed as we finally managed to complete the choreography.

Taehyung and I had become members of the dancing club and we had a competition coming soon so we've been pretty busy lately. Jimin and Jungkook often come and help too.

"That was dope!" Yoongi hyung said and put his arm over Jimin's shoulder.

"Yeah! You were all like..." Namjoon said and tried to imitate our moves. "And then you did that..." he lifted his leg and span around only to end up kicking Tae on his butt.

"Hyuuung" he complained while rubbing the place Namjoon's leg had landed on.

"The god of destruction strikes again" Jimin remarked.

"Oops, sorry" he apologized to Tae and glared at Jimin.

"Yeah I know, I've got no jams" he said before Namjoon was able to speak out his mind. "I got the moves though" he said with a smirk making the older one start chasing after him.

I giggled while watching them and sat down next to Yoongi hyung.

We were at the place by the river where I found Hope about two weeks ago. I kept coming here secretly wishing to meet her again and introduce myself to the girl if I get the chance.

"So hyung how's the song going" I asked.

He offered to prepare the song we'd be performing to since he's pretty amazing at that stuff.

"It's almost finished" he said.

"Wow a cute dog!" Kookie shouted with enthusiasm.

"Wow a cute girl!" Namjoon shouted with the same amount of enthusiasm and Jimin's head trapped under his arm.

"Hope" I whispered and a smile appeared on my lips.

When she saw me her tail started moving from the one side to the other quickly and she started running towards me dragging along the girl who was holding her leash.

"Woah! Hope wait" she said looking surprised by the sudden change in her attitude.

When see reached were I was she didn't hesitate to jump on me throwing me on the grass. Soon my face was covered by her saliva but I was more happy than grossed out.

"Haha, missed me?" I asked and stroke her head before standing up again.

"I... I'm sorry" the girl stuttered. "It's the first time she's done that. I promise it won't happen again" she bowed her head to me.

"Hi! I'm one of Hope's friends so it's okay" I said and chuckled when Hope barked at the sound of her name. "My name's Hoseok" I said and reached for her hand.

A tingling feeling spread across my whole body when I touched her and my heartbeat increased when I saw her beautiful eyes up close again.

I used to think that people who believed in love at first sight or whatever it's called were crazy but I never imagined it would happen to me. Well not at first sight but first... touch?

I reluctantly let go of her hand and noticed the guys who had gathered around us.

"Is she your girlfriend hyung?" Kookie asked with an innocent expression.

"Wha- what?" I said feeling flustered by his sudden question.

"She must be. Look at his face, it turned completely red" Jimin teased.

"Ah that's a pity. I thought I had just found my Miss Right" Namjoon said and sighed deeply while shaking his head.

Yuri giggled as she was listening their comments.

"I'm Yuri. Nice to meet you Hoseok and the rest of you of course" she said and I swear her smile was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

"What's her name?" Tae asked while laughing as he was playing with Hope.

"She's Hope, she's my guide dog" Yuri explained.

The boys introduced themselves one after the other to her.

"I'm Jimin, the cutest one here after Kookie" he said and pinched Jungkook's cheek.

"I'm Jungkook, the maknae of the group"

"I'm Yoongi, the oldest one" hyung said.

"He's the grandpa of the group" Taehyung pointed out. "I'm Kim Taehyung" he said and gave her a quick hug. "I love your dog. She's so cute just like you"

I knew he wasn't flirting with her but I couldn't help but feel jealous of how easily he could say those words to her. I wanted to tell her how beautiful she looks and ask her to smile for me but I would sound weird, wouldn't I?

"The name's Namjoon but you can call me oppa" he said and his cheesy expression made my fists clench but Yuri chuckled with his words.

'Nope, I won't let you Namjoon' I thought and stepped closer to Yuri.

"Would you like to hang out with us? I'll tell you how I met Hope too" I asked and waited for her answer with crossed fingers.

"Umm why not? I'm not in a hurry" she said and I would jump from excitement if the others weren't looking at me.

"Come on. Let's dance together!" I suggested and took her hand in mine.

She seemed a bit hesitant about it at first but her tension started to disappear after dancing for a couple of minutes with me leading the way.

"Haha that was a pretty unique first meeting" she said while laughing.

"I know" I said and sat on the grass by her side.

"I think we should go, it's getting late" Jimin said and winked at the others.

"Oh yes, that's right" Jungkook said and Tae followed him.

"I can stay a little lo-" Namjoon tried to say but hyung interrupted him.

"No you can't. You have to help me finish the song" Yoongi reminded him and turned to give me a gummy smile before mouthing 'good luck' to me.

"Goodbye Yuri, let's meet again" Jimin said and they all waved.

"So you were the one who brought Hope at the vet's that day?" she asked after we were left alone.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you but..." I paused not knowing how to express my thoughts in words without making her feel uncomfortable.

"You were surprised that I am blind. It's okay, don't worry about it" she said as she petted Hope who was laying on the grass in front of us.

"Well that too but I didn't manage to say a word because you... you looked really beautiful and... and my mind just blacked out that moment. You then left and I lost my chance" I explained as I was nervously stroking Hope's fur too until our fingers toughed.

I turned to face her and her pink cheeks made it even more difficult for me to control myself.

We spent time talking about random things until she had to leave.

"Yuri? Can I see you again?" I asked and Hope barked. "I'll take that as a yes" I said and she giggled.

"I pass by here almost every afternoon" she shouted after walking a few meters away from me.

"I'll come everyday then" I shouted back.

I laid on the grass looking at the blue sky after she was gone. My cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling for this long.

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