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Areum's POV

"What's going on between Hana and Jimin?" I asked Suga who was walking by my side.

We were both heading to grandma's house so we decided to go together.

"They were a couple before we all separated. Actually Hana was betrothed to marry Jimin at the age of five. Their families were close friends you see and they wanted their children to be together" he explained to me.

"So it's just arranged by their parents?" I asked.

"No, no, It's not like that" Suga chuckled. "They're both deeply in love with each other"

"Aww that's so sweet" I exclaimed earning a smile from the green haired boy. "I wonder how it feels like"

"Huh?" Suga looked at me with a puzzled expression making me realize that I had just said out loud what I was thinking.

"I mean... I do have someone I like and... you already know who I'm talking about" I paused trying hard to avoid blushing. "But I wonder how falling deeply for someone feels" I continued feeling shy.

"Oh I see" he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What about you? Have you... have you ever fallen in love?" I asked being the curious girl I've always been.

My question caught Suga a bit off-balance. He remained silent for a moment with his brown eyes wide with surprise above his slightly red cheeks.

"Don't look at me like that" I said and averted my gaze. "I was just wondering"

"I have actually" he replied and now I was the one taken aback.

"Really?" I stared at him with my curiosity welling up.

"Yes. If I'm not mistaken it was about five years ago when I went to the mall in the city with the boys" he said.


"We were really excited since it was our first time visiting that place and every little thing would catch our attention. But my eyes fell on only one" he said and his face brightened so I urged him to continue. "So beautiful, it almost feels like it was yesterday"

He stopped walking and closed his eyes probably traveling back in time in his mind. His gummy smile appeared again making me more excited to listen to the rest of his story.

"It was the first time I had ever felt my heart fluttering. I knew that moment that it was love at first sight" he said.

"So, what was that girl like?" I asked.

"Girl?" Suga opened his eyes and looked at me as if what I had just asked was crazy. "I was talking about a beautiful neck pillow displayed in a shop window" he said and I was left with my lips parted in sock.

I thought he was just joking but his smile that remained plastered on his lips told me that he was serious.

"You fell in love...with a pillow?" I said slowly trying to accept this strange idea.

"Exactly" he answered. "It's been my sleeping mate since that day"

He had such a sincere expression that I started giggling by myself.

"How about a person? Have you liked a girl before?"

He didn't answer at first, his cheeks suddenly red.

When he turned his face away, I could only see the line of his jaw and his looked so mesmerizing under the dim light of the street lamp that my heart skipped a beat.

I admit that Suga is really attractive but I've never thought of him more than just an annoying yet thoughtful friend.

"If you weren't such a pabo, puffy face, you would have realized already that I don't act like myself whenever I'm with you" he murmured but I was so distracted by my heart that I missed his reply.

"Sorry, can you say that again?" I asked taking a step closer to him, our faces inches apart so that I could clearly listen to what he had to say.

"N- No, I can't" he stuttered.

The atmosphere became even more awkward and I could tell Suga had something in his mind but my nervousness that kept piling up prevented me from asking him what it was.

"The truth is, I don't know what it feels like to be in love" he started talking again and turned to face me, his cheeks turning in a deeper shade of red. "Though, I might have already fallen for someone" he confessed letting a soft sigh escape his mouth.

His words confused me so much. Who could he be talking about?

"Really? Do I happen to know her?" I asked and he only gazed at me for a moment.

I didn't realize how hot my cheeks were until Suga's cool fingers brushed against them getting a strand of hair out of my face.

"I wonder..." he sighed again. "To be honest, it doesn't matter. I doubt she would love me back"

I tried to figure out why he was talking that way, why he was so pessimistic about this. No matter who that girl was, I couldn't understand why he was giving up without even trying.

I expected him to be more confident in this area.

"What makes you think that way?" I asked.

"She already has someone she likes" was all he said before starting to walk away.

That made me feel bad about him. He really is dealing with a difficult situation.

"Aren't you coming?" he asked bringing me back from my thoughts. "The last person to reach granny's house is a puffy-face" he shouted and started running after flushing me his gummy smile.

"Yah! You're cheating! How am I supposed to win?" I shouted back but started running too.

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