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Taehyung's POV

I sat on the cold floor and looked at my hands and clothes. The blood had started to become dry.

I felt disgusted.

I opened the bottle I had with me and spilled the water on my palm attempting to get rid of the red stains on my face and shirt.

'What am I supposed to do now?' I thought and tried hard not to panic.

I unlocked the screen of my phone and searched the contacts with trembling hands.

'Hobie Hyung' I read and put my thumbs over the number.

I hesitated for a moment thinking whether I should really get him involved in all this. But I was desperate. I didn't know what else to do so I touched the screen and prayed with my eyes closed that he'll pick it up.

"Hyung... I want to see you hyung" I said between my sobs after he answered.

"Taehyung?!"he exclaimed "What's wrong?" he asked but I realized that I was too shocked to explain the situation.

Then someone else talked through the phone.

"Where are you Tae?" he asked.

"Yoongi hyung... Help me please" I cried.

"Everything is going to be alright. Just tell me where you are" he said in a calm tone.

"Remember the old building near your house?"

"I got it. We're heading there right now" he said and ended the call.

It's been about a year since we returned to Daegu, my little sister and mom. We really shouldn't have come back. That way that man, that monster, wouldn't have entered our house. 

How could I not notice it from the beginning. I should have known that a stranger wouldn't help us so much just for nothing.

We were in need for cash. After dad's death mom had to make money for all three of us. She couldn't earn enough to pay for the rent so we ended up back to our old house in Daegu.

Mom met someone who offered us money and promised to help her find a job. We were too stupid and trusted him.

A couple of weeks later he started visiting us daily asking for his money. He gradually became aggressive and threatened mom that he'd harm Hana and me.

One day I noticed dark bruises on moms arms. I didn't think much of it but she kept having new ones as time passed. It took me too long to realize that he had become physically violent to her.

I wrapped my arms around my legs and cried silently remembering what happened earlier.


School had just ended and I took the route back to my house. I put my hood on and walked with my head hunging low. It's been a pretty long time since I stopped looking at the sky.

I arrived at our building and entered the house using my keys. Usually I am the first one to get back home everyday but today I heard voices coming from mom's room.

"Mister, I told you already! My mom is not here." Hana said and I approached the door of the room quietly.

I looked through the slightly opened door and spotted that man holding my sisters arm. He looked drunk.

"Then you'll have to take her place" he said with an evil smirk forming in his lips.

He pushed Hana on the floor and took of his belt ready to start beating her. I couldn't bear looking. I panicked.

I grabbed a vase that was placed on top of the small table next to me and kicked the door open. Without thinking about it twice I hit the vase on the doorknob breaking it in half and pushed the man away from my sister.

He looked a little taken aback for a moment. He raised his hand and was about to hit me when I stabbed him in the stomach.

My mind had been clouded by anger. I couldn't stop. And I wouldn't have stopped if Hana didn't hug me from the back to bring me back to my senses.

That's when mom entered the room. Her face lost its color after she saw the man on the ground and blood covering his body. She put her palm over her mouth to stop herself from screaming.

"Taehyung, run." she said. "You have to find someplace to hide. At least until we figure out what to do" she cupped my face with her hands. "Okay?"

I nodded and she placed a kiss on my forehead before I run out of the house.

-end of flashback-

I kept repeating that moment in my head. I kept seeing his awful smirk every time I closed my eyes.

I heard footsteps getting closer and I lifted my head. When I saw Hoseok and Yoongi hyung standing in front of me I felt a little less tense. For a second I thought that I was safe now that they're here.

"What happened to you? Where are you hurt?" hyung asked and checked my chest and my arms for any wounds.

"Taehyung! Get yourself together!" Hoseok said and held my shoulders shaking me slightly. "You have to tell us what happened"

"I... hyung, I think I killed him" I answered and buried my face in his chest.

I was surprised by how calmly they acted. They helped me to their car and we went to his old house.

After they helped me clean myself Hoseok hyung lent me a pair of his clothes. We sat in the living room and it was only after he held my hand that I realized I was still trembling.

Yoongi, Hoseok, his sister and a girl named Areum stayed with me the whole night. I told them everything and they reassured me that it was going to be okay now that we were together.

I'm not sure whether I managed to sleep or not during that night. I'm sure that I couldn't stop thinking though.

The next morning my sister called and told me that that man was in hospital safe from danger and mom was arrested for attacking him. She had taken all the blame.

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