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Hoseok's POV

"Hyung" I heard someone's quavering voice. "I want to see you hyung" he said between his sobs.

"Taehyung?!" I exclaimed and Yoongi looked at me with wide eyes. "What's wrong?" I asked but he couldn't complete a full sentence.

He seemed to be in shock.

I felt the need to run to where he was that moment. We needed to do something quickly.

I didn't have to say anything though. Just a look in Yoongi hyung's eyes was more than enough. He realized something was wrong and took off his apron without hesitating for a second.

"Where are you Tae?" he asked after taking the phone from my hand. "Everything is going to be alright. Just tell me where you are" he said in a calm tone. "I got it. We're heading there right now" he said after listening to Taehyung's answer and offered me his hand to help me stand up on my feet after ending the call.

"We have to find a way to get to Daegu as fast as possible!" hyung said and I could almost see the fire of determination in his eyes.

"Hyung! Follow me" I said and we set off for my house.

In the meantime I called my sister so that she'll be ready waiting for us. She agreed to drive us there but it's a three hour journey from Seoul to Daegu so we just couldn't afford to lose precious time.

"Get in the car quickly!" she said as soon as we arrived.

She didn't even get the chance to greet Yoongi. I sat in the front and hyung in the back.

"Taehyung is V, right?" someone asked from the back seat.

"Areum?!" I said taken aback. "Why are you here? You're not coming, it might be dangerous" I told her.

"But-" she tried to complain.

"I said no" I cut her off.

"You may need help" she insisted.

"He's right, you have to stay here. I'm not going to risk it." hyung said and they exchanged intense looks.

"She can stay with me guys" my sister said and started the engine.

I wasn't feeling right about Areum coming with us but time was against us. And she was right. We might need more help.

None of us knew exactly what had happened but I could say with certainty that Tae was very scared.

After we got to Daegu, hyung gave my sister the instructions to the location where he was waiting for us and we soon arrived at an abandoned building.

"Areum stay here with Hoseok's sister" hyung said and we both got out of the car and started looking for Taehyung.

I tried calling him but his phone was out of service.

"You go that way. I'll go check upstairs." Yoongi said and I nodded.

I walked carefully and checked every room I passed by. There weren't any doors so I moved pretty quickly.

When I reached the room at the back of the building I heard something. I picked up a piece of steel from the ground just in case I needed something to use as a weapon.

Taking slow steps I entered the room. I was holding the stick close to me in a defensive pose ready to deal with any sudden attack.

After realizing what the source of the sound was, I threw away what I was holding and called Yoongi hyung.

"I found him!" I shouted.

Tae turned to look at me. His face looked awful. His lips were pale and tears were falling from the corners of his eyes that looked soulless.

But that wasn't what shocked me the most.

Blood! There was blood on his face, on his hands. His white shirt had red stains of blood all over it too.

"What happened to you? Where are you hurt?" hyung asked and checked his chest and his arms for any wounds. But he only found some bruises and minor scratches.

Then where was all this blood coming from?

"Taehyung! Get yourself together!" I said and held his shoulders shaking him slightly. "You have to tell us what happened"

"I... hyung, I think I killed him" he answered and buried his face in my chest.

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