Chapter 2

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Raven sat at the table to see that all three boys were there except Remus. She pursed her lip curiously, watching  not very entertained as Sirius once again flirted with the girl Willow. She let her blond  hair fall like a curtain over her face going in between frowns and glares as Sirius rambled on about himself.
Raven shook her head eating a couple of bites of her pasta before worry overcame her.
"James,have you seen Remus?"
James looked up from trying to flirt with Lilly.
"No he's in the hospital wing until Tommorow, came down with a fever last night." He said. Then words came out of his mouth no one expected not even lilly.
"I hope he's ok."
Raven looked between Willow and Lilly taken aback.
"Y-yea." Raven  grinned  at his sudden burst of kindness.
James seemingly to  have caught himself being kind then said, "But who cares about the dusty bat anyway." He said his cheeks tinted red but just as fast as it came it was gone.
Lilly smiled smally but when he turned instantly dropped it.
Raven sighed pushing back her plate.
"I'm gonna go see Remus." All three boys Willow and Lilly stood abruptly.
"We can all go."
As much as she wanted to ask to go by herself she nodded.
Soon Willow and Lilly were beside her as the boys took the lead toward the hospital wing.
Willow cocked her head to the side dark blond  hair falling to the right on her shoulder.
"Do you fancy Remus?" Willow asked.
"N-no!Of course not!" Raven cried as the boys turned raising there eyebrows at the girls. Raven smiled sheepishly.
The three just shrugged going back to walking.
"So you do fancy him." Lilly asked.
Raven turned to Lilly.
She sighed not speaking a word.
Willow linked on to her left arm and Lilly linked with her right one.
"We won't tell." Lilly said smiling."Right Willow."
Willow smiled." Right."

When they entered the hospital wing what they saw took all there breathes away. Remus lay unconscious on a bed his face nearly blending in with the sheets except for the  purple bags under his eyes.
The six of them sat down quietly and waited for him to wake.

Raven snapped her head up out of her chair to see everyone fast asleep. She glanced over at Remus to see him staring at her.
He grunted trying to sit himself up.
Raven rushed to him pushing him back down.
"Why don't you sleep Remus okay."
Remus shook his head.
"It would be rude of me too."
Raven began to shake her head and say something but was interrupted.
Sirius's eyes opened and he bolted up a smile on his face.
The boys had seemed quite lost without Remus.
James, Peter and Lilly were the next to wake. Willow still lay asleep seeing as she had trouble sleeping
Raven and Lilly told the boys to quiet down.
Sirius plopped himself on Remus's bed.
Remus grunted contorting in pain.
"What's wrong with you mate?"
James said propping his elbows on the table.
Sirus bounced on the bed. Willow got up and seeing Sirius hurting Remus came up to him and slapped his knee.
"Get off." She growled.
The boy did only to stick his tongue out at the girl and mutter."Toad."
Raven smiled and walked to Remus pressing her hand to his forehead.
Remus winced under her cool touch before pulling away.
Raven frowned.
"How long until your better?"
Raven swore she heard the boy say."I'll never be better."
But instead he had shrugged halfheartedly. "Tommorow I should be back in class."
Raven smiled. "Good."

The six stayed to chat for awhile before leaving under the 'Doctors' order that he needed rest.

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