Chapter 5

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Sirus eyed Willow. It had been a couple weeks since she had what seemed to be a nightmare.
She was keeping her distance and refused to speak to him.
She sat at the end of the  Gryffindor table staring blankly at her Food with Raven,Chloe, and Lilly beside her.
Willow glanced up at him. Sirus tried not to look taken aback by her appearence. Her face was colorless and her brown hair hung down her back barley brushed. The circles under her eyes were deeper. Her whole appearence,the way she walked showed her lack of sleep.
Willow quickly looked away from him pushing herself up from the table.
Sirus stood too making his way toward her. Her shoulders slumped and her head hit her chest. She then began to fall forward Sirus broke into as sprint. He slide to his knees barley catching her before her head slammed to the ground.
He shook willow. She didn't so much as move a muscle.
He gathered her in his arms as the other six of the group joined. He ignored them and started running as fast he could with the limp girl in his arms. Seeing as she wasn't sleeping or eating it wasn't hard.
Lilly was holding James's hand as if she needed his support.
Remus and Raven were running beside Sirus as Peter tailed behind, Chloe a little ways ahead of him waiting for the tiny boy.

Sirus burst through the hospital wing laying down willow in one of the beds.
"What happened?" The doctor asked as she ran over to the girl feeling for a pulse. Sirus looked at his shoes. "She hasn't been eating or sleeping." He said quietly. The doctor shook her head turning to a cabinet full of potions. She rummaged around and brought  out a dark orange colored vile.
"What's that?" Sirus asked.
"Something to keep the girls body going,to help her get  some sleep until she wakes up and has some food."
Sirus nodded.
"How long until she's awake?"Remus asked. The doctor,madam fray shook her head. "A day or two."They all groaned as she walked away.

Sirus sat in a chair tapping his forehead as he watched the girl sleep.
Remus and Raven sat on the floor beside each other against the bed reading a book. Peter and Chloe just stood there  fidgety while,Lilly sat in a chair next to the bed by her friend close to tears. James stood beside her resting his hands on the back of her chair. Sirus stood up huffing and running his hands through his hair. He then bagan to pace the  room.
Everyone stared at him.
"Stop your pacing." James sighed walking over to his friend and laying a hand on his shoulder.
Remus stood setting the book aside. "She'll be ok mate she's strong."
"She looks pretty unhealthy couldn't hold herself up,you call that strong?!" Sirus snapped before Remus could reply he spoke again. "I didn't mean it." He said sighing heavily and falling back into his chair.
Remus nodded clapping him on the back." I know."
Just then willows hand  slightly moved and she grumbled. Sirus was at her side instantly. He frowned she wasn't waking up.

Willow felt heavy and weak. She peeled open her eyes. The room was empty the only sound was rain pelting the window.
She pushed herself up her arms slightly shaking.
Beside her sat a plate stacked with food and a pitcher of water.
Willow leaned against the back of the bed. The door to the hospital wing burst open and Willow looked to see who it was.
"I told you I don't need food someone needs to stay with her." Sirus barked.
"You need food mate unless you wanna end up Like her." James argued.Sirus must not have known she was awake so he swung around punching James  square in the face. Willow winced as he stumbled backwards. James growled before he could react willow spoke.
"S-stop." She said hoarsely.
Sirus whirled around. His eyes widened before he masked his concern with a laugh. "Look,if it isn't sleeping beauty.dream of me?" He smirked.
Willow winced as the dream cane back to her. She squeezed her eyes shut."N-no." She whispered lying.
She opened her eyes to find sirus sitting in the chair watching her."you should eat." He offers.
Willow reached for her food setting the plate in her lap.
Sirus looked out the window at the rain while she ate seeing as james had left to see Lilly.
Suddenly sirus turned to Willow.
"Wills what were you dreaming of?"
Sirus asked.
Willow paused searching for an explanation.
"I-uh-my friends getting hurt." She said quickly. It wasn't really lie.
Sirus nodded placing his chin in his hands and looked down at the girl.
"Oh ok." Sirus said simply.
I know you all probably think the story is a bit out there but bear with me it will get better.

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