Chapter 8

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Everyone had only been at the lake for ten minutes when Willow and Sirus began to argue.
Willow swung around glaring at a comment Sirus made and snapped at him.
"It is none of your concern what I dream of!" She screamed angrily.
Sirus clenched his hands.
"I've really been trying to nice and friendly."
"Your always getting in trouble like the sour guy you are!"
"You know at least I look alive not like some one who doesn't take care of themselves!!"
Willow flinched blinking at him comment.
"You don't even know what's going on!" She sneered.
Willow spun on her heel and headed into the water. She turned to Sirus her expression haunted."Don't talk to me again,ever." She hissed.
Sirus glared at the girl walking towards the house. What the boy didn't know was that Willow was scared to tell him the dream to become close to him for fear of the dream coming to life.

Walked towards Willow as she wrapped herself in a towel and headed in the direction of the house
"Willow are you-."
Willow turned to her friend tears streaming her face."I'll tell you what's wrong with me when I'm ready but right now...I can't." She said leaving Raven standing at the lake.

The first week the group spent together at Ravens was all together well but Willow and Sirus refused to speak to each other.
The second week James didn't show up due to Sirus begging to not go.
The third week they were able to come over in the last month of the summer willow had gone home to her parents and Sirus showed up.

The two didn't realize that they would soon have to talk to each other.


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