t h r e e

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Valerie woke up to the sound of her roommates, Lynn and Arielle discussing how they were going to see 'The Weird Sisters' perform over the weekend. She rubbed her eyes and slowly, but surely got out of bed.

slipped on her robe and brushed my knotted, bushy hair, putting it into a neat braid.
"It's nearly 7:00." Arielle declared.
"Right, let's get to breakfast."
Following her fellow Gryffindors down the never ending staircase, she plopped down at the end of the table.

I'm not particularly hungry this morning, She though as she nibbled at the ends of a blueberry scone and continued to doodle.

"Who's that supposed to be?" A voice behind her asked

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"Who's that supposed to be?" A voice behind her asked.
It was Sirius.
"Oh, no one, just a random doodle." She replied; closing my sketchbook.
"You seem flustered." He said sitting down next to her and smirking.
He does that a lot.

"I am most certainly not!" Valerie retorted hotly.
"Okay,okay." He said putting his hands up in defense.
"Your really talented."
"Thanks." Valerie said brushing a strand of hair behind me ear. 
"Hey what class do you have first?" He said grabbing schedule.
"So do I. I guess I'll see you there Ms.Scott." He said tipping his imaginary hat.
"See you soon, Mr. Black." She said gathering her books as he did the same.

"Hey, Valerie!" Sirius yelled from across the room.

Professor Slughorn was practically skipping into the room.
"Another year, another year!" He cheered as he clasped his hands together.

"Someone's excited." James whispered to Remus, who snickered at his comment.
"Alright, to start off the first class of the semester, who can tell me what you get when you mix unicorn-hair and tulip pollen?"

Lily's hand shot up like a rocket. No one else raised there hands.

"Ms. Evans?"
"You would get a sleeping potion, sir."
"Ah, very good."

Lily smiled to herself, seeming to be quite content with herself.
James, looked at her longingly like a love sick puppy, which I think is a cross between adorable and pathetic.

Valerie snapped out of her thoughts and looked up.
"Yes, sir."

"Would you be so kind as to tell me why you are holding hands with Mr. black?"

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