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"We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are."

The words rang like a loud bell in Sirius's head. He knew Valerie was right, the only problem was that he was too stubborn to admit it.

Lily, James and Sirius were still not on speaking terms as the weeks stretched on

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Lily, James and Sirius were still not on speaking terms as the weeks stretched on. Valerie and Remus hated being in the middle of it, so Remus spent most of his time with Marianne and Peter while Valerie tried her best to spend it with everyone which evidently didn't work out as she had planned.

Lily would always nag her about even looking in the same direction as James and Sirius and couldn't understand why Valerie continued date Sirius after what he did.
"Lily I've told you a million times, I've talked to him about it. I didn't like what James and him did either, but you have to admit, what Severus said was pretty awful."
"It doesn't matter what he said! They shouldn't have done that. It was borderline dangerous and stupid."

She found that she could only spend time with James and Sirius during class due to their nightly detentions.
"You gits better be thankful your not expelled after what you did!" Valerie said harshly as they walked out of transfiguration together.
"Well were not exactly having the time of our lives with Filch every night." James said dryly.
"But-" started Valerie warningly.
"We could've been expelled. Sirius finished for her with an eye roll. We know love, we know."
"I don't think you do, love." Valerie said smirking and giving Sirius a quick peck on the cheek before walking off.
"Oho you know better than to leave me like that Ms. Scott." Sirius said as he caught up to her me snaked his arms around her waist.
"Do I?"
A mock vomit noise could be heard in the distance.
"That'll be Lily." Valerie said without even turning around to check.

It in fact was, as a bright orange blur strutted past the corner of her eyes with James at Lily's tail apologizing profusely.

Valerie felt Sirius tug her arm in the direction of the grounds.
"It's late." Argued Valerie.
"It's six O'clock!"
"That can be considered late." She chuckled .
"Not on my watch. C'mon." He said tugging her some more.
"Okay fine. Only if I get a ride."
Sirius let out a bark like laugh and let her hop onto his back.
"Shall I turn into my animagus form?" He suggested jokingly as they reached the Black Lake.
"No I think I'd rather be in the company of a human right now." Valerie said laying down in the grass, with Sirius laying beside her.
"It's so weird to think that next year, is our last year at Hogwarts. After that there's no coming back."
"Yeah. Sirius agreed breathlessly. What's really weird is that I only just met you last year."
Valerie turned on her side so there was now little space between them.
"That's because I never really wanted friends until fifth year, I told you I didn't trust anyone."
"I know you didn't trust anyone. I also think you were keeping walls up, because every time you've ever let them down something bad happened, and that's the sole reason why you didn't and still don't trust people."
"You don't know anything."
"I know a lot actually, a lot more than you think I know. You're not the only one that was born into a terrible family Val."
"Don't, I don't want your pity, and I know you don't want mine so- let's just get on with this."
"If you just want to get on with it so badly why'd you bring it up in the first place?" She asked sitting a little.
"I don't know- I- I wanted to break your walls I guess."
"So that you could see that not all bad things will happen when they break."

I honestly don't know what this is 😂

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