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"Sirius? He's just a really good friend

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"Sirius? He's just a really good friend."
"Yeah, okay." Lily said leaning back into her bed.
"Stop it Lily!" She said laughing and throwing a pillow at the ginger.
"Stop what, stating the truth?" She said, flinging the pillow back at Valerie.
"As I recall, you were completely against the thought of me and Sirius dating."
"Yeah, well opinions change."
"I just can't win with you, can I?"
"Nope." She said, tying her fiery red hair into a ponytail.
"Goodnight Lils."
" 'Night Val."

"Hey Scott, how'd you sleep?"
"Pretty good Black."
"Oi, lovebirds." Remus said smirking.
"Oh moony, don't you know? There not in love, their just great friends." James said sarcastically.
"Shut it." Sirius said blushing.
"Yeah." Valerie said blushing even more than Sirius.

"Padfoot, I saw that little blush earlier." James said.
"There was no blush, I don't know what your talking about."
James simply shook his head in response.

But Sirius knew exactly what James was talking about.

"So, me and James were thinking of going to Hogsmeade tomorrow; James is bringing Lily so we thought you could bring Valerie." Remus said.

"For merlin's sake were just friends."
"And James, how in the bloody hell did you get Evans to go out with you?" Sirius said with a confused tone.

"Well, she just couldn't resist me." He said, pitting his hands behind his head and leaning back in his chair.

"He said we were going as friends." Lily said, putting her completed essay away and quill away.

"But still, James?"
"You hate James."

"Yeah well enough about me." She said, eager to get off the topic of her and James.

"They said Sirius was going to ask you to tag along."

"But- wh- as friends, right?"
Valerie said flustered.

"I don't know, ask him why don't you."

The next day consisted of Sirius and Valerie stealing glances at each other, Remus, Sirius and James throwing popcorn at each, Lily and Valerie flipping threw a muggle magazine called 'Vogue'.

" Will you guys quit it?" Lily half asked, half demanded.
"If that's what'll make you happy Evans, then yes." Said James with a smirk threatening to appear.
The ginger simply rolled her eyes at his comment and continued to look through her magazine.

" Evans, whatcha reading there?" Sirius asked.
"It's a muggle magazine." She grumbled.
Although she liked Sirius more than James, it didn't mean he wasn't just as annoying.

" Okay, let's not talk to you."
"Great idea." She said sarcastically.
Valerie let out a snigger and attempted to hide it by covering her mouth with her hands.
Lily smiled slightly at the fact that Valerie was amused by her.

A couple minutes went by and the group discussed classes; James and Lily bickered for the most part though.

Remus got up and offered to take Valerie out to lunch, which she happily obliged.
Sirius' jaw clenched as he watched his best friend link arms with Valerie.

"Awe, is ickle Sirius jealous?" James said with a mocking pout.
Sirius said nothing.

"C'mon Black. Said Lily, putting her magazine on the table.
Even I know you have a thing for her."

" Yeah well what if I do."
"Ha!" James exclaimed.
Lily, again, rolled her eyes at his antics.

"Well she obviously doesn't feel the same way, as she going out to lunch with the wolf.
"Wow, steals the girl of your dreams, and suddenly he's addressed as the wolf. "

"I know now never to do that." Lily said with a giggle.

"Oh shut it you guys."
James and Lily proceeded to laugh, and eventually Sirius let out a little smirk.

" it's a beautiful day, isn't it?" Valerie said, letting the sunlight wash over her.
"So, I don't talk to you as much as I'd like to." Remus said.
" yeah, it's probably because I'm always studying or spending time with Sirius or Lily."
"Well Valerie I'll make sure to plans with you when your schedule isn't so full."
"I'd like that." Valerie said smiling.

The two sat by an evergreen tree and ate their lunch. Taking the last bite of his chips, Remus started up a conversation.

"You know, it's weird, I haven't seen you around until this year."
"Yeah, up until now I've kept to myself."
"Whys that?"
"I dunno, I just didn't feel comfortable around anyone besides my siblings."
"But I guess I branched out a bit when I met you guys."
"Well I'm glad to be apart of your branching out." He said with a twinkle in his pale grey eyes.
"I am too." She said biting her lip.
After a few moments of silence Remus spoke up again.
"You know Sirius is probably really jealous that I'm out with you right now."
Valerie blushed. " Why, we're just friends, and it's not like he's my boyfriend."
"Yeah, but I'm sure he'd like to be." Remus chuckled.
"Oh and don't tell him I said that. He'd have my head on a stick."
"Well I certainly don't want that."
"You and me both."

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