F o u r

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"Uh..." She stuttered; looking around the room for help.
"Her hands hands were cold, sir, and I was just warming them up for Ms. Scott." Sirius said smirking.
"I see." He said, obviously not believing a word that just tumbled out of Sirius's mouth.

"Oi, nice save back there mate." James said clapping Sirius on the back as we walked to our next classes.
"Thanks, it's harder that it looks."
"Oh shut up you two idiots." Lily snarled.
"Fierce one you got there James."
James just snickered in reply and said,
"I'm gonna head to class, see you later Padfoot.
"Prongs, we all know the only reason your going to class early is because you have herbology with Evans."
James smirked and ran off to meet Lily.

"So, Black; why were you holding my hand back in potions?" Valerie asked both amused and curious.
"Because, I thought a pretty girl like you needed a hand to hold."
"I'm flattered, but I think I can manage without someone holding my oh so dainty hand."
"Tough one are we?" He said trying to hold my hand again."
She pushed his hand back and asked
"So what's with these nicknames, like Padfoot and prongs?"

He stopped in his tracks and the grin that lay in his pale face was wiped right off.

"Its just nicknames. Let's not discuss them anymore." He said promptly; pulling me towards are next class, care of magical creatures.
She could tell he was obviously hiding something. He's not a very good liar.
But She brushed it off and made a mental note to bring it up again.

"Okay. He said.
"What animal do you want to care for?" Valerie said trying to change the subject.
"Whatever animal you're into."
She blushed and ran my hands through my dark, curly hair.
"Well, I would like to learn more about ramoras or streelers."
"Romania and streamers?" He said scrunching up his nose.
"No, Ramoras and streelers.
a ramoras is silver fish native to the Indian Ocean that has strong magical power to anchor ships in place, and a streeler is a giant snail native to Africa." Valerie said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it was.

"You act like its the most obvious thing in the world." He said chuckling.
"Well it is."

It was 9:00, and I went back to my chamber only to find Lily asleep with a textbook resting comfortably on her chest.

"Hey Lily." She whispered.
Apparently, Lily was a very light sleeper, and she heard her.
"Oh, hey Valerie."
"You know lily, I'm starting to really like Sirius, and I know I only just met him but... I don't know." She said flopping down onto the bed dramatically.
"Eh, I wouldn't waste my time with him, I know his friend James a little too well, unfortunately, and there both incredibly dimwitted."
"Well yeah James is, and Sirius is too sometimes, but not all the time."
"Oh so Black changes, she said putting an emphasis on changes, for someone against his own will?"
"Is it really that hard to believe."
"When you've known them as long ask have, yes, yes it is."
"Well goodnight Lily."
"Goodnight Valerie."

As Valerie lay in bed, She couldn't help but replay the day over again in her head. For the first time she was happy; genuinely happy, and it felt like she had friends, other than her siblings.

For the first time, in a long time, Valerie Scott didn't cry herself  to sleep.

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