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{I was thinking of this song when I was writing this so 😂}

Lily and Sirius seemed to continue throwing reasons to why Severus was either good or bad in each other's faces until what seemed like a century had passed, and James did nothing but look up every once in a while to smirk

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Lily and Sirius seemed to continue throwing reasons to why Severus was either good or bad in each other's faces until what seemed like a century had passed, and James did nothing but look up every once in a while to smirk.

After what seemed like hours, Remus and Marianne came stumbling into the Gryffindor common room conversing about something they found very fascinating.
"Where've you two been?" Valerie questioned.
"Oh well- Remus started. He then looked at Sirius and Lily, shook his head, and continued to talk. Marianne and I were talking, well and Peter too. He said pointing to Peter. And we've been thinking, you know how you guys accompany me during the full moon? Well what if made something that made it easier for us to sneak out of the castle?"

Sirius turned and began to walk over to them. "Now I'm intrigued, keep talking Moony."
Ignoring Sirius, Remus went on. "Marianne thinks it should be something we can have with us that won't look suspicious."
"Something small." Marianne added.
"So... like a map?" Valerie said.
James pondered for a moment. "Exactly."
"So a map it eez." Marianne said smiling excitedly, her accent starting to come back.
Peter laughed nervously. "It looks like you're accent comes back when you're excited." He said shyly.
"Also when I'm mad. Especially when I'm mad."

"Lily." Valerie began.
"Are you still mad at us?"
Lily had snapped at them all when they tried to include her in the discussion pertaining to the map. She claimed she was a prefect and had no business being a part of such nonsense, and neither should Remus, being a prefect as well. Over the next few days she proceeded to pester them all about the consequences.

"No, I've gotten over that." She said sharply.
"Alright. Valerie held her arms up in defense. It certainly doesn't seem like you have." She mumbled out of the corner of mouth.
Lily threw her a hard glare. "What was that?" She snapped.
"Nothing, nothing. I'm going to go find Sirius."
"You do that." She huffed before setting off to the library.

Sirius looked at her with utter surprise.
"She what? Lily would never talk to you like that. You're the one she hold the highest respect for!"
"I know, which is why I can't understand why she's acting like this. I swear if it's that hag Petunia I'll get on a broom and fly right into her."
"Well that should work out, because you're so gifted on a broom." He said sarcastically.
"Haha." She said dryly before leaning her head on his shoulder.
He looked down on her with a stupid grin that grew wider once she looked up to meet his eyes.
Sirius leaned in to kiss her but they were interrupted by a sudden thud.

Severus had been thrown against a tree by James, who by the looks of it, was not in any mood for negotiation.
The two ran over to see what had happened. "Remus, what's going on?" Panted Valerie.
Remus looked just as mad as James, but stayed put. "Snake called Lily a- mud-mudblood."
"He what?" Snarled Sirius before withdrawing his wand and joining James.
"Sirius no!" Valerie called after him.
But he wasn't listening. He sent a couple jinxes Snape's way, which he immediately sent worse back.
"Stop IT you're hurting him!" Lily yelled trying to intervene.
"Stay back Lily, don't make me hex you."

Lily looked shocked at first, but then became very red in the face.
"How dare you threaten me James Potter! How dare you- let him down!"
Snaps was now levitating upside down with his arms and legs flailing like a fish out of water.

"Only if you go out with me."
"I thought we'd been over this!" She countered with gritted teeth.
"Well maybe snivellus here can help me grasp the concept of what your getting at." He mumbled something and Severus went flying into the tree again.
"No stop! You're just as bad as he is!"
At this, James lowered his wand and faced Lily with a much sadder expression.
"I would never say something like that you you."
"It doesn't matter. Look what you've done James! You nearly killed him!"
"No. you make me sick James Potter." Lily spat and walked away, shaking with anger.
Valerie went after her. "Lily-" she placed her hand oh Lily's shoulder gently.
Lily shook her off saying "I need to be alone."

She watched Lily walk back to the castle as she stood helpless, watching her best friend walk out of site.
She felt a hand on her shoulder that belonged to Sirius, who still looked as furious as ever, but his eyes were full of concern as he looked at Valerie's tearful face.
"I told you not to do it. She started. Why didn't you listen?"
"Because he called Lily a mud blood! What was I supposed to do? She's my friend and I felt the need to stand up for her."
"You two haven't  seemed like friends over the last couple of days."
"Yes, we've been fighting, but that doesn't mean I didn't still care about her."
Valerie sighed. "I care about her, and so does Remus. But you didn't see us rushing to knock snape into next week!"
"Because that was your choice! This was mine!" He raised his voice.
"Sirius you have to understand that it's not okay to pick fights with people every time they piss you off. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are!"

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