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Valerie looked over her shoulder to see if her parents were watching as she grabbed her belongings at random

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Valerie looked over her shoulder to see if her parents were watching as she grabbed her belongings at random. She wasn't necessarily thinking straight, for her mind felt hazy and her stomach did a flip. Valerie knew she couldn't leave anything that would indicate where she was, though she wanted to leave notes for her siblings. Nothing of the sort could be left behind, and so with a heavy heart, Valerie took Sirius's letter then stashed in her bag, and mouthed the words goodbye, as though her siblings could hear her. With a crack of wind, she had vanished, possibly leaving a bit of her eyelashes behind in the process, but the nonetheless she was gone.

A small house surrounded by forest and several other smaller homes could be seen. The only two things that stood out in the pitch blackness of it all was the moonlight and a ghostly pale face along with bright red hair sitting on the steps belonging to the house.

The pale figure that Valerie recognized to be Lily waved in a warm greeting.
"Valerie, Sirius told me to expect you tonight-maybe, or I don't know. Come inside." She ushered her in quickly.
"How'd Sirius even know id be leaving tonight? Questioned Valerie as she set down her bags. I hadn't told him, or anyone for that matter."
Lily smiled."Maybe he's a seer." She teased.
"If he was a seer he would've foreseen all the bad choices he was going to make and then not make them, so I would have to say he isn't."
"How'd you get here? Lily made a sudden move with her hand to her mouth. Don't tell me you apparated."
"Yes why?"
"It's dangerous. There's been reports of people being taken by Voldemorts followers through apparition, and not just that, but floo powder networks are being watched. It's just not safe anymore." Finished Lily with a sad tone.
"It never was." Valerie said dryly.
"Val.." Lily trailed off.
Valerie shot her head up to meet Lily's eyes.
"There's this group of people, some of them are training to aurors. We call it the Order of the Phoenix, it's a rebellion against Voldemort and anyone that supports him."
"Well where are they?" Valerie asked curiously. If there was a chance for her to be involved in something other than fussing over her friends and Sirius then would be sure to jump at the opportunity.
"We're sort of the Oder." She said awkwardly.
"What do you mean you're sort of the order?" Valerie narrowed her eyebrows.
"I mean everyone. Everyone we know, Remus, James, Peter, Sirius, Marianne, and so on and so forth. We-well we already decided you should join immediately, but Sirius insisted with all your family troubles and what not that it would be best to wait."

"Wait?"scoffed Valerie.
"There's no such thing as waiting in a time like this. You should've recruited me ages ago, never mind Sirius. The dunderhead."
She said under her breath.

"Well now you know."
"Yeah, I'm starting to think this isn't the last of Sirius's little waiting game."

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