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isn't it strange how
we just text each other
instead of meeting?

fringe m8
yea it is, we have met
but like, i don't remember
that much

i don't remember that
much as i want to, all i
remember is us talking,
then we danced or
something and i think
we went outside?? i have
no idea

fringe m8
i do remember zalfie
trying to make us a ship
name, i don't remember
what it was ahah

a ship name?? what
did we even do on that
party oh my god

fringe m8
i have no idea, i just
hope i didn't do any
netflix and phil

did you just

fringe m8
i had to okay? it was
f8 m8 ok gr8

stop8 it8 is8 very8
annoying8 ok8

fringe m8
ahah try to read that out!!

fringe m8
ohmy you can actually
write stop 8 for stop it ?

ohmy yes u can actually
do that? that is so going
to be my new thing !!

fringe m8
ugh but i was the one who
found 8

you found 8??

oohhhh wait i got it

fringe m8
you're l8 m8 gr8

ohmygod phil chrillax

fringe m8
aw that's such a cute word


fringe m8
it's supposed to be
chillax, not chrillax but
it's so cute with the r in 8

the r in 8??

oh wait shit

yea it is a reason to
why i'm using it lol

fringe m8
you're just getting more
and more adorable tbh

fringe m8
like you're too precious for
this world

ehm nope that is actually
you, you are so freaking
nice and ughhhhhh

fringe m8
ughhhh to you too

fringe m8
i luuuuughve you

fringe m8
i have to leave you,
louise wanted to do a
collab so yea. see u l8r
m8 gr8


i may have a plan for how this
story will be, but then idrk again
because i have so many plots
to choose between and you know,
that stuff. but yea, i thought
about explaining why phil wanted
to write 'love you' but then again, it's
a part of the mystery !!

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