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seriously, i'm sincerely sorry about the mistakes that are made.

dan's hands are running through phil's hair, and his lips are plastered on his. phil has never felt this before, this electric feeling that makes you feel alive for once, but, he isn't surprised that dan is the one making him feel like this.

phil chuckles as dan's nose squeezes his, this giving dan access to deepen the kiss. phil can feel dan trying to push him backwards, but doesn't let it happen and pushes back instead. dan's back is against the wall just seconds after, and phil's free hand travels up dan's shirt.

first kisses are supposed to be awkward, but the awkwardness left a couple seconds after their noses crashed. phil has never been the dominant type, but this is different. this is his chance to finally show him how much he wants him, and that dan belongs to him, and only him.

phil takes a hold of dan's ass, making sure that every inch is filled. he presses dan against him, not pulling away whilst doing so. dan doesn't want this moment to end, all he wants is phil's lips into his. he doesn't care about the need to breath, phil comes first.

dan's hands are traveling down his back, drawing letters which phil is oblivious about. the kiss is so passionate and filled with lust, and the both of them knows that it can lead to so much more.


"no, not yet."

phil lets his hands travel up to dan's face again, caressing his cheeks as he presses himself against dan. dan reacts with grinding into his crotch, letting the kiss heaten slowly. he isn't sure if it should happen, but if phil is ready, he definitely is.

phil pulls away for a second, discussing if he should let it happen or not. dan notices how tense phil is, and tells him that he doesn't have to do this. dan's kindness just makes it more clear, phil does really want this.

"let us."

"you sure?"

phil answers with kissing dan once again, letting the adrenaline take over.

i have sinned so i am going to read the bible, bye my children.

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