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as dan leans in phil backs away a little, his eyes meeting dan's again. dan's eyes are screaming hurt, sadness and shock which makes phil feel bad, and he eventually talks.

"you are leaving, what is this good for?"

"we have 24 days, we could live our whole life on that amount of time."

"but i don't know if it's enough."

dan looks down at his fumbling hands, stepping one step closer to phil. this is what dan wants, only if he wasn't going to leave it would be so much easier.

"long distance."

"will it work?"

dan shrugs, not knowing what to answer. all he wants is phil, but he has made a promise and even his subscribers know about him moving.

"you could join us?"

"you know i can't, dan."

"i know."

dan's words are just a whisper now, and he knows he has screwed up. only if something could save him out of here, only if something good could happen for once.

"i still want to kiss you."

dan's eyes shoot up at phil, shocked by his words. phil is staring at dan's lips like it was some house plant in a shop, and like he had to have it and make it his. it is just like that, though, he has to make dan his.

"can we kiss?"

"i don't know, can we?"

dan steps closer to phil, cupping his face once again. after months with getting to know each other, falling in love and all the trouble that has caused a mess, they are standing here. both of them are nervous, and they can't seem to make a move.

"it's just a kiss, why are we so nervous?"

"maybe because, i don't know, we have both waited for so long and now it is actually happening?"

"i have waited for long."

"and so have i."

dan can't handle waiting anymore, he has been hurting long enough. he is finally able to kiss the pretty lips of his, something he has been waiting for for ages. he doesn't know how long it has been, but he knows that it has been long enough.

and just seconds after, dan's lips are planted on phil's.

let us all scream together since we know that the next is a kissing part and they finally did it bye

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